In this guide I will try to focus on the 3 builds I have learned from playing loads of games as Cho and Gall. by Lewis Burnell on Oct 21, 2019 Follow Ten Ton Hammer; Overview. Some much needed constant mobility. Use this to your advantage as you arriving on solo lane can make it a 3 versus 1 fight. Unlike Abathur that can symbiote on a Hero temporarily, Cho'gall permanently requires two. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite HotS hero’s build and strategy. on You can find detailed breakdowns of each matchup on CounterStats, and you can also check out some Cho'Gath guides to see how to build and play against other champions you may find yourself up against! Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. If you're looking for the best rune build for Cho'Gath we've got you covered. I think on balance though, the ranged damage of Shadow Bolt Volley just pips Twisting Nether. As I stated before Ana will allow you to get to that F U money Dps Lvl. You've more health than any other Warrior - use this to your advantage in a team fight, especially if you have a healer. There are core talent picks for each build and changing those will drastically change the play style. However, Anub'arak's Cocoon can turn the fight into a 5v3, and is a major threat to Cho'gall. Cho'gall is a unique Hero that requires two players to control him at all times. so as to get a better understanding of the Hero. Gall should always be using his abilities, constantly. not be a great addition at Level 16, so Runed Gauntlet is a better weak in snowball maps, like Battlefield of Eternity and Don't just rush in as Cho'gall as you can be quickly focused down. Be sure to poke with Gall before running towards the nearest target. Causing massive mayhem to those Cho catches, Upheaval pulls all enemies towards him and slows them in the process, allowing for considerable follow-up, especially when combined with Twisting Nether. Add ana nanoboosts and runic feedback = bowling for days with silence = f u money on cho'gall. 2 targets with it can turn the tides of a fight easily. If he hits a total of 20 Heroes, its cooldown is further lowered by 1 second. Chen vs Cho'Gall fights are very long an boring, so whilst he isn't much of a threat. Granting Gall a 2% damage bonus on his Trait for every Takedown, The Will of Gall is incredibly potent and ensures that late game he deals enormous damage. allows Gall to improve his Eye of Kilrogg, increasing its vision by 33% and decreasing its cooldown by 15 seconds. If your team doesn't have a second tank and you have to main tank I would strongly suggest this build. Cho'gall makes a good team with (On a score of 1-100) 96points Auriel Agree (869) Disagree (22) 89points Ana Agree (190) Disagree (13) 89points Alexstrasza Agree (210) Disagree (15) 85points Rehgar Agree (252) Disagree (32) 84points Lt. Morales Agree (451) Disagree (69) 76points The Lost Vikings Agree (353) Disagree (89) 75points Zarya Again a level 13 giant killer and can really do some meaningful damage against you. No threat at all, one you shouldn't even concern yourself with ever. If you can, you should also be reversing the bomb every third bounce so that it comes back onto enemy targets. of Gall's Dread Orb's Talents. crowd control and percent-based damage sources. Enemies hit reduce its cooldown by 1 second, and Heroes hit 2 seconds. moments but also deals damage. Being able to cast Cho's Rune Bomb from a 20% longer range is great for an early fight and also allows you to really capitalize on the fact the Rune Bomb will roll back on itself at maximum range. compositions. Our authors will teach you which items to build, runes to select, tips and tricks for how to how to … Bomb's Away is great for lane push, while hitting a Hero increases its damage by 5 (per Hero - limitless). The downside is that having Ogre Hide active reduces the damage of Gall by 25%. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite HotS hero’s build … Our website uses cookies and by using the site you agree to this. Every minion killed provides an increase to the healing component by 0.3 and each takedown, 3%. If you die the enemy team will secure two kills - try your best to retreat when neccesary. 15. eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'tentonhammer_com-box-3','ezslot_4',112,'0','0'])); Cho'gall is a unique Hero that requires two players to control him at all times. Considering you'll be focused a lot, it's a good way of avoiding damage. Quickly double tap the skill to zip away. Unsurprisingly, Cho'gall has the highest health of any Hero in the game, meaning he can not only withstand a huge amount of punishment but his total set of 8 abilities makes him a dangerous presence. Find Cho'Gath's relative advantage in their most common matchups! Both can keep him alive for very long periods. Equipped with an impressive array of dark spells, and a brutish strength that can break even the most durable opponents, Cho’gall packs a whole lot more punch than the average contender brings to the Nexus.. Cho'gall is a unique two-headed hero for two players. Uppercut adds good percentage damage and insane mobility Can counter his 7 sided stike with molten block! Rune data is provided by, Cho'Gath's We take these reports seriously and will look into it soon. We See You! Unfortunately for Cho'gall, he only really excels on small Battlegrounds where he can rotate quickly, while he's particularly vulnerable to sustained damage - especially if opponents have maximum health modifiers (such as Tychus). Don't panic over ETC to much his CC heroic is a pain, but it doen't affect gall! is a great addition to the composition. We take these reports seriously and will look into it soon. Following Ana release Cho'Gall has reached new heights. total bodies. Firing a huge amount of projectiles in front of Cho'gall, it deals very high damage to the first target struck. Those turrets... Can do some damage without you realizing. Just be sur Gall knows he has to detonate it. It's pretty predictable but it's great at knocking on enemy towers or dropping it early so it bounces to an Objective. Their damage modifiers can ruin your health in a matter of seconds. This standard build provides a balance between sustain and mobility. You may also Sign In using your Social Media. understand how best to play this hero, in both different map styles and team Find the best Cho'Gath build guides for S11 Patch 10.23. You can also find other League of Legends Champion Guides. achieved Grandmaster in multiple seasons, peaking at Top 1 in Season 3 Competitive Standard Cho. as a "turret" that uses Abilities from Cho's physical position. to cast the Ability again. Permanently tied to Gall, an Assassin, making coordination easy, Deaths are twice as punishing, as they mean losing two Heroes, Only allows a team to have 4 Heroes, reducing overall Map presence, Very reliant on Heroic Abilities to significantly impact team fights, See our Talents page for further information ». In a group environment, this provides massive up-time for the ability.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tentonhammer_com-leader-2','ezslot_8',132,'0','0'])); I really love Molten Block. Without good communication, you'll find you miss-time skills and fail to capitalize on attacking the enemy properly. As long as you reach 6. ranged Bruiser-like Hero that exploits Gall's damage to safely Cho, differently from all the other Heroes in the game, occupies 2 slots in a composition, Lili, is really no threat, but you are unlikely to kill her, so never chase! ... Decreases Cho'gall's death timer by 50%. by Lewis Burnell on Oct 21, 2019 Follow Ten Ton Hammer; Overview. As the leader of the Twilight's Hammer the two brothers seek to bring about an age of destruction... whenever they aren't bickering that is. When working to… You should never not be firing Shadowflame and if possible, always try to aim for squishy targets. HeroesFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. movement and Basic Attacks, whereas the second player, in control of Gall, acts of less-than-ideal situations. Heroes of the Storm. Oct 21, 2019 Stuns can be a pain, but they barely damage you and can be avoided. by Derenash has been playing Heroes of the Storm since 2015 and has It's incredibly important to regularly rotate into Ogre Hide when under pressure and when Gall doesn't neccesarily need huge damage. Cho's Basic Attacks build is totally focused on constantly delivering Basic on the crowd control of teammates or initiating Talents, he excels on maps which will mostly reach Levels 16 and 20. 14. Attacks against enemy Heroes. ways to cancel Surging Fist and if they do, it is better to wait for it to be wasted For better or worse Gal is always going to be there. Needs to be avoided at all costs and is considered a hard counter for Cho. Cho'gall excels with in the composition might be a burden for his teammates. is an invaluable form of escape. Shadow Bolt Volley provides a good single-target damage option to Cho'gall that can easily change the tides of a teamfight. The healing isn't huge but the AOE damage over time is fairly significant. Cho'gall, the Twilight's Hammer Chieftain, is a two-player melee warrior/ranged assassin hero from the Warcraft universe. Its range is huge and pulls enemies struck towards Cho'gall, slowing them by 25% for 3 seconds. 1. He will polymprth you so his team can burst you down. It's a no-brainer, and ridiculously strong in amongst a group of enemy Heroes. If you are already familiar with how to play Cho'Gath this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch 10.23. A lot of pressure is placed on Cho as he's in charge of movement - try to play him as you would Muradin or Johanna. 8. Whilst it's rolling, Gall can detonate it for additional damage. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite HotS hero’s build and strategy.