TANF arrears are past due monies owed to the District of Columbia for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families and/or Medicaid benefits awarded to custodial parents or relatives who have low-incomes and are caring for children. The statute is part of a project called “Strategies to Help Low Income Families” (SHLIF) that includes written policy identifying a set of preventative and early intervention actions when setting and modifying support orders, collecting current support and collecting arrears, including developing community partner collaborations. Debt forgiveness is rare. Courts have discretion in applying or waiving past due interest owed on arrears. Source: California Family Code Section 17560. (function() { Source: Rev. The Child Support Commissioner may waive all or a portion of the interest and penalties owed to the Commonwealth if the Commissioner determines such waiver is in the best interest of the Commonwealth and will maximize collection of current and past-due child support. Code Rule R527-258, The purpose of the Project AIM (Account Intervention and Management) program is to motivate noncustodial parents to settle arrearages by offering a lump sum payment and/or to make regular payments over specified repayment periods. 51 0 obj <>stream Fresh Start allows for a portion of a non-custodial parent’s TANF arrears to be forgiven in return for successfully making consecutive timely payments on the current support obligation or making a lump sum payment towards arrears. For more information, please contact Kansas Child Support Services at 888-757-2445. 100% of state-owed arrears are forgiven after 24 months of consistent payments. Source: Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies §17b-179b-1 to §17b-179b-4. 5. ARREARS FORGIVENESS PROGRAM DISCHARGE OF STATE OWED ARREARS If you owe a child support arrearage to the State of Michigan you may be eligible to have some or all of that arrearage discharged. Forgiveness of Child support Arrears. The current order is solely for collection of arrears (CSED is not collecting ongoing child support). Child support workers do have some discretion to negotiate agreements to secure current support that may include forgiveness of assistance debt owed to the state that accrued prior to the establishment of a child support order and which was based on imputed income. I can't say enough about David's attentive demeanor through the highs and lows associated with complex divorce issues. The state to whom a portion of the money is owed, can agree to compromise that amount of money or waive it. NCP will enter an agreement to make a certain number of full, timely payments towards past due arrears or current support in return for CSSD forgiving a certain percentage of TANF arrears; or NCP will enter an agreement to make a lump sum payment towards past due arrears in return for CSSD forgiving a certain percentage of TANF arrears. Source: West Virginia Code §48-1-302 (c), Local child support agencies may forgive all or part of the state-owed arrears under a variety of circumstances, including when the obligor is unable to pay the arrearage based on income, earning capacity, and assets, or the obligor has a long-term disability. In these cases, a worker may prevent interest from accruing on the case and can request an adjustment to the payment record for any unpaid interest that has already accrued. If you were incarcerated for any time during the 3-year period that your TANF arrears accrued, you are automatically eligible for Fresh Start. Note: When source is marked DHHS/IG 2007, see Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General, 2007, “State Use of Debt Compromise to Reduce Child Support Arrearages.” OEI-06-06-00070. �5�oR��[��*���bڞ΋e����u�>��4�;��J��!���c,�o�����F�� !CuA�襺��r���g/z_�|������ʡ:j�TL��|���i�H�A�6��S9�kO���W�GF���c�Q}9�VĶij/Q Source: DHHS/IG 2007, The NH Division of Child Support Services does not have a formal debt compromise policy. Walk-in customers will need to make an appointment with the CSSD Enforcement Unit to discuss entry into the program and eligibility criteria. As part of a federal grant from OCSE to provide employment and other supportive services to ex-offenders, the Governor’s office/Attorney General agreed to compromise state-owed arrears for a limited number of ex-offenders who successfully participated in the federally funded program and met other conditions. Source: State, The New York City Office of Child Support Enforcement is operating a pilot program, the Arrears Credit Program, that will reduce arrears owed to the state if a noncustodial parent is participating in an employment-oriented program, agrees to pay all of his/her active child support orders for 3 years, and meets other requirements. (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(hs); Source: State, The goal of the Arrearage Compromise Program is to assist noncustodial parents who have large state-owed arrearages by reducing the amount owed in return for consistent payments for a specified period of time. Once enrolled, the noncustodial parent receives reductions for making consistent payments and meeting other program specifications. Source: AS 25.27.020 (f) and 15 AAC 125.650 to 125.695. Additionally, noncustodial parents may request a payment plan as a means to have the surcharge (interest) waived or reduced if regular payments are made (MCL 552.603d). A state statute gives the child support program the authority to waive, reduce. The first one, the Arrears Adjustment Program, is designed to reduce state-owed debt as well as encourage the positive involvement of NCPs in the lives of their children and to pay current support. %PDF-1.5 %���� NCPs must have been demonstrably unable to pay the assigned support at the time it was due, and must meet low-income standards. })(); The program encourages noncustodial parents (NCP) to make consistent child support payments by: Reducing state-owed arrears by half if the NCP makes full child support payments for a year. Settlements also may include an agreement for the noncustodial parent to pay a specified number of current child support payments or in-kind payments in the future. The total amount of TANF arrears owed will be calculated from all of an NCP’s cases. These NCP’s will receive an invitation letter from CSSD. If a violation petition is already pending, the non-custodial parent can file a motion to apply the cap. Source: 830 CMR 199A.6.2, Several laws allow for adjustment of arrears and interest. First, the non-custodial parent must file the proper documents with the family court. This cap prevents money judgments in large amounts and high interest rates. §234, Through the Satisfaction of Arrears for Less than Full Payment program, the Division of Child Support may settle state-owed arrears for less than full payment if: 1) the arrears are a substantial hardship to the paying parent; or 2) a compromise will result in greater collections on the case; or 3) the obligor enters into an agreement with DCS to enhance the obligor’s ability to pay support or enhance the obligor’s relationship with the children for whom the obligor owes arrears.