By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Archived. K Cider and Smirnoff are always reasonably cheap. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Why is Alcohol most people's idea of Fun? I share my leftovers with homeless people downtown when I need to ditch evidence. In lieu of going out for tacos on Tuesday, we now make them at home. Skol and Aristrocrat vodkas aren’t far behind, followed by Barton’s and Aristocrat gin. I don't know why you're being downvoted. This is 40% higher than most light beers and about the same price. :|. Close. Cover the bucket and keep in the warmest place you can find. I seriously considering buying/building a still. Just like title says, what's the best way to lower my alcohol budget. Try savers if your in Nottingham they have cheaper wines and stuff. Store in a cool or warm place? Natural Ice: paid $8.99 for a 12 pack. Sort by. Anyone knows the cocktail units at wetherspoons? As someone who home brews you will end up sinking a ton of money into it, get the most satisfaction ever, and make amazing things that will tantalize, tease and test your pallet. This can be literally any fruit or vegetable you can imagine. Enjoy cheap booze. You dont even have to use whole pieces, like fruit and vegetable peelings are great source or fermentation. Yea. And I will just ask the bartender at 'spoons if there are any deals/special offers they are doing. $6.25 for an OE. Also makes you proud of yourself, even more after drinking a few large cups or more of it. Luckily, there are ways to get your fix with fewer funds. Since most people on a budget only like to drink the cheapest thing that can get them drunk quickly, rum has the added bonus of setting the mental mood too. Posted by. Any other suggestions for cheap ass drunkenness? Hmm yeah not a fan. Or: just collect blackberries, nettles, or whatever fermentable plant you can harvest on public lands. Less safe, eat less prior to drinking. there are actually documented spreadsheets of this, look them up online. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the cripplingalcoholism community, Continue browsing in r/cripplingalcoholism. I normally go across state line to Idaho for my booze and smokes because its cheaper. >>, Applying to uni? Just like title says, what's the best way to lower my alcohol budget. Maybe "skeeter pee" is the way to go? Binnys Beverage Depot has handles of vodka for $8.99. Where at in Washington? It may not display this or other websites correctly. Brewing food source. What's the single cheapest way to get drunk? The problem with cheap alcohol is the burning hell you feel the morning after. I've got 2 24oz cans at 6 percent for 99 cents classic ice here in Chicago, Definitely never having the shakes when you can always find at least 50 cents somewhere, Same but be handsome af guy and rich cougars. there'a also one for calories per ml alcohol. But I try not to go cheap on booze as it's slightly depressing to look over and see a bum drinking the same thing you just bought so I try to keep it at a premium. This thread is archived. Both will help you get more drunk. shots of tequila (30ml each), 6 double whisky (60ml each), 2 double Campari (60ml each), 3 double Martini (60ml each), and some champagne and wine (2–3 glasses). Ron Abuelo Anejo Rum ($14) Caucano Aguardiente Tradicional ($9) Tell us a little about yourself to get started. Archived. Potatoes, carrots, turnup literally anything. I find the grape one comes out best, has a hint of koolaid taste. You are using an out of date browser. Here's one that just dawned on me: step 1) buy seeds for a vegetable/plant that can be fermented, plant them, then harvest your crop. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Natural Ice: paid $8.99 for a 12 pack. We're in WA state. Click HERE to join our community of thousands of drivers from around the world, it's FREE. If I want to get drunk on a budge, I go miller high life 32oz. The economy still sucks. CAQuery. Go pick blackberries on August, throw in water and sugar after mashing...magic. If you live near the border go camping in the US and pick up beer at the border duty free store. Chase it with some Tang or something. There are places you can camp for free, just google them. Because being poor sucks, and the only way to ameliorate those feelings is with the drink. Oh god. Find your group chat here >>,,, Uni student 'travel window' for Christmas. 1 year ago. I'll check it out. But still. If your on the east side, maybe near a dank river valley? Your opinions. I'm cheap with alcohol so I buy 40's on the weekends. I had a friend develop acute liver failure as the result of drinking in his 20s. Can you heat Mayonnaise? Costa vs Starbucks Coffee? Get help from university application experts, © Copyright The Student Room 2017 all rights reserved. I'm sure if I were to sip it now I would acquire an instant headache. best. This can be literally any kind of container, but its needs to have a lid that is faily easy to open. Do lemonade drinks in pubs contain alcohol. The chilling makes it easier to handle the taste. Oh ffs, do I have to do everything around here? Now if you are brewing it for flavour, the fruit will have a better flavour for sure. 6 years ago. If you are wanting to take the extra step to distill it, then use potato, thats how whiskey is made. What are some jobs to avoid going into and why? Let me hear your thoughts! I've cut down in every other part of my life (cook at home, no tv, minimal internet, company phone and truck, grow my own garden, hunt, etc). It includes time, money, convenience, and many other factors. I feel for your liver, OP. Cheapest way to get drunk? I've cut down in every other part of my life (cook at home, no tv, minimal internet, company phone and truck, grow my own garden, hunt, etc). Next to mortgage alcohol is usually my highest expense each month. can you drink alcohol with beta blockers? It may not be the cheapest but I love the taste which means I'll drink more and get drunker. The cheapest alcohol in relation to its strength? u/311TruthMovement. Hurricanes for malt liquor. a couple packets of yeast, you can use regular bread yeast, or the fancy brewing yeast, its all good. Join NTU LIVE at 5pm Thursday - ask your questions now! My local off liscense does 2 bottles of wine for £5. To get around the pricing problem, many Russians have turned to the most horrible of options: surrogate alcohol. Costa vs Starbucks Coffee? Absolutely lethal. How about Hamms? Heres how we did it back in my teenage years. As for buying, it generally depends on the taxes where you live. Just discovered Franzia (was drinking BotaBox but we need to cut down our alcohol budget and get the best bang for our buck). 8.1% alcohol. Hate that craft beer shit. We're in WA state. Also it tastes like a light beer. How do I know which exam board to pick for UCAS apply, The Russell Group hurt/heal game (Part 4), Official Oxford 2021 Postgraduate Applicants Thread, 2021 entry Medicine A100 / A101 fastest and slowest offer senders, idk if i should do architecture cause i want $$, The government will not be able to mass test students travelling home, Q: Prove that there are infinitely many prime numbers, Just ate a pizza which is five days past its use by! Is hombrewing cheaper? Your opinions. save hide report. Three shots for a buck? The Washington Post did wonderful research. 4. I was going to suggest boxed wines, but did some price research for Canada. For only £1 per bottle of Vodka, you can get blindness in one eye! We're just dirt ass poor and trying to find the best value for alcohol. The only time I ever barfed from beer it was from drinking Henry Weinhard. Cut out the middle men and inject directly into blood stream. To check out all the charts, see the post here. Ontario Brahs, cheapest way to get drunk? By drinking high-proof, cheap booze. We’ve sold our cars and take the bus. I'm totally intrigued and want to try it with a few preferred flavours. Duh. Make sure its not too hot. The first beer doesn’t crack the top 350 most inexpensive ways to get drunk. How many shots of 33% whiskey would get me drunk? They sound the same but they're spelled differently. Upvote! Vodka and mixers seemed like a good idea, but that liquor tax...fuck. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Close. Go to the liquor store with a calculator and use this formula: Volume of container x % alcohol = total alcohol in container. But to get drunk cheap go for cheap booze, water, and some sort of flavor concentrate (mio, kool aid, etc). The first beer doesn’t crack the top 350 most inexpensive ways to get drunk. Press J to jump to the feed. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. JavaScript is disabled. How Do I Drink a Shot? Fair warning: I make batches all the time, and while delicious, it packs a punch! A 1.75L bottle of Odesse vodka comes out at the top of the list. You'll be able to get just as drunk off much less booze. Either OP's mortgage is rock bottom cheap or OP is a very, very heavy drinker, possibly an alcoholic. 1 liter of rum at 40% = 400 ml of alcohol. 5.9% alcohol content. goddamn im spinning after just 1 of them and they taste pretty good too 4 locos are the cheapest/most efficient way to get drunk fast - … The Student Room, Get Revising and Marked by Teachers are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No.