There are several tools that students need. Caption -- Now that you've broken down the chapter into more manageable pieces, you should be able to give it a short caption, much like the heading a study Bible would have. E���n��j�(t�F; �yBj�S�E��vF�Ը�^���m�g�K^����]����v Studying a whole chapter of the Bible is very different than a traditional Bible study. After you have read the chapter five times, there are ten steps to summarize it. The real McCoy: top 13 Study methods. Just choose something that represents what you've learned so far. These smaller chunks of text then become the focus of a weekly study, which can be digested and applied depending on the principles covered in each section. Christ Revealed -- Every part of the Bible points to Jesus in some way, either his nature, his ministry, or his person. Read the chapter in several different translations. Standing at the front, a solemn brother reminds the congregation that the bread he holds in his hands is the body of Jesus Christ. The Chapter Summary method of Bible study will give you a good chance to really soak in the Word of God. 0000074120 00000 n
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___________________________________________. CHRIST SEEN 9. - There are also several types of cross-reference, three are listed below. Step 5. asking a series of content questions and summarizing the central thoughts of the passage. Although usually well done, at some points the chapter divisions interrupt the natural flow of the text. Note that the chapter divisions currently in our Bible are not in the original manuscripts but were added later (about 1,200 AD) by Bishop Stephen Langton in order to make the various parts of the Bible more accessible to the general reader. Step 4 - Central Verse - Select a verse that is significant in the chapter or which you find is important during this study. stream This method does not require any outside helps or reference tools, but it is necessary to memorize the ten steps. CRUCIAL WORD(S) 6. This is an invaluable step that gives you an uninterrupted, bird’s eye view of the general content of a chapter. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.”, John would have prevented him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?”. I'm not saying that all Bible notes are wrong, but if you can create your own notes, you will remember them much longer. 7. This list could be as short as the author and audience for an epistle, or a longer list of major players in the Histories or Gospels. x��]I���F�l�-#��%Q:{��)��� �bcnQNvb �
�Yi������Ȧ�M����wh-�|��/�v�ۧa�g�Fx�s{h�b��݁��UxV�¯��p���N���C? You will have a better sense for the larger story within a particular book as you learn to study larger chunks. Character Study Method. Step Nine: What are the Central Lessons ? Try to find a Bible that doesn't have any notes so that your reading isn't tainted by someone else's insights. Step 2 - Contents - Make a list or outline of the major point of the chapter. Step Seven: What are the Cross- References ? Download Chapter Summary Method PDF Chart (print and keep a copy in your Bible.) Sitti... To start this method, you'll want to read your chosen chapter of the Bible at least five times. The following procedure provides a step-by-step outline for studying a chapter of the Bible. That's okay! Of course, one needs a Bible – preferably a study Bible – in the … - Pure Cross-Reference â Says almost exactly the same thing as the verse you are studying. Seminaries call it the “historical-grammatical method of Bible interpretation,” but that title can be big and scary to most people. (Note: The above study Bible is neutral in its theological orientation. 3. To start this method, you'll want to read your chosen chapter of the Bible at least five times. T�gR���i`u*ˤf���V����������ii
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Step 3. The Revelation of the Purpose of God (1:3 – 14) A. Happy Studying! Remember in middle school when you had to pick out the "main idea" and "supporting points" for a paragraph? CHIEF PEOPLE 4. Even after all these steps, there will be some parts of the Bible that are harder to understand. In a chapter study, the goal is not to break a work down into individual parts, but to see the chapter as a complete unit, seeking to understand its contents, purpose and main themes. 0000001551 00000 n
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Step 3 - Chief People - Make a list of the major individuals in the chapter, some reference to the surrounding chapters may be necessary. Step 5 - Crucial Word(s) - Make a list of the key word(s) of the chapter. CHAPTER SUMMARY FORM. 0000001237 00000 n
How does it work? CHOICE VERSE 5. 0000000016 00000 n
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And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father,’ for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham. Read Scripture App; Online Quiet Time Diary; The New City Catechism; Chapter Summary. Select a Bible character and research all the verses about that person to study his or her life and characteristics. Step Six: Are there any Challenges in the passage ? �y���l�h�r��a+����j�UfdiG��V"l�- 0000001362 00000 n
Instead, we learn to see individual passages as part of chapters which become parts of entire books. The Chapter Summary Method of the Bible Study involves gaining a general understanding of the contents of a chapter of the Bible by reading it though at least five times asking a series of content questions and summarizing the central thoughts of the passage. All Rights Reserved. The following procedure provides a step-by-step outline for studying a chapter of the Bible. That's a lot of steps! Step 1. Understanding the chapter as a whole provides you with two tremendous benefits in your understanding of Scripture: If you truly want to maximize your time and benefits in our Bible Study Methods by Chapter online course, I highly recommend that you pick up a few basic Bible resources. If you took the time to do this method for each chapter of a book of the Bible, you would know that book really well. CHAPTER SUMMARY Introduction (11: – 2) I. Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Step Five : Are there any Crucial Words? - External Cross-References - Look for cros- references within other books by the same author. The goal of this step is to write down all of the details that you remember about the chapter.