metres squared, grams, moles, feet per second, and many more! La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 17 juin 2019 à 18:25. Examples include mm, symbols, abbreviations, or full names for units of length,, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. To link to this flow rate cubic foot per minute to cubic meters per second online converter simply cut and paste the following. We assume you are converting between cubic metre/second and cubic foot/minute. Second: cubic meter per second (m3/sec) is unit of flow rate. It is popularly used for water flow, especially in rivers and streams, and fractions for HVAC values measuring air flow. With the above mentioned two-units calculating service it provides, this flow rate converter proved to be useful also as a teaching tool: 1. in practicing cubic feet per minute and cubic meters per second ( cu ft/min vs. m3/sec ) measures exchange. For a whole set of multiple units for volume and mass flow on one page, try the Multi-Unit converter tool which has built in all flowing rate unit-variations. The flow rate converter from cu ft/min ( cubic feet per minute ) measure to m3/sec ( cubic meters per second ) equivalent. First unit: cubic foot per minute (cu ft/min) is used for measuring flow rate. Calculez les pied cube par seconde en mètres cubes par seconde, convertir ft 3 /s vers m 3 /s . Pied cube par minute, dont le symbole est pi 3 /min (en anglais, cubic foot per minute ou CFM), est une unité non-SI de flux.. QUESTION: 15 cu ft/min = ? You can view more details on each measurement unit: m^3/s or cfm. provides an online 1 cubic foot per minute to cubic meters per second = 0.00047 m3/sec, 2 cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second = 0.00094 m3/sec, 3 cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second = 0.0014 m3/sec, 4 cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second = 0.0019 m3/sec, 5 cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second = 0.0024 m3/sec, 6 cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second = 0.0028 m3/sec, 7 cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second = 0.0033 m3/sec, 8 cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second = 0.0038 m3/sec, 9 cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second = 0.0042 m3/sec, 10 cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second = 0.0047 m3/sec, 11 cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second = 0.0052 m3/sec, 12 cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second = 0.0057 m3/sec, 13 cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second = 0.0061 m3/sec, 14 cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second = 0.0066 m3/sec, 15 cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second = 0.0071 m3/sec, Category: main menu • flow rate menu • Cubic feet per minute. Converting cubic foot per minute to cubic meters per second value in the flow rate units scale. I've done my best to build this site for you- Please send feedback to let me know how you enjoyed visiting. Convert Volumetric flow rate units. 3. work with flow rate's values and properties. The SI derived unit for volume flow rate is the cubic meter/second. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units! Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. 30 cfm to cubic metre/minute = 0.84951 cubic metre/minute. You are currently converting Volumetric flow rate units from cubic feet per second to cubic meter per second 1 ft 3 /s = 0.028316846592 m 3 /s cubic feet per second cubic meter per second The answer is: 1 cu ft/min equals 0.00047 m3/sec. Convert cubic foot/minute to cubic metre/second. Abbreviation for cubic meter per second is: m3/sec. The value will be converted to all other units of the actual measure. 1 cubic meter/second is equal to 2118.8799727597 cfm. * Whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 17 3/8)* Precision is how many digits after decimal point (1 - 9). The answer is 0.00047194745. conversion calculator for all types of measurement units. Conversion chart - cubic feet per minute to cubic meters per second Search Tools. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Outil gratuit en ligne pour faire vos calculs d'unités. 1 cfm to cubic m/hr = 1.69901 cubic m/hr. cfm or m^3/s. Cubic Feet Per Minute (CFM) Cubic Meters Per Minute (m 3 /min) Precision: Reverse conversion? as English units, currency, and other data. 20 cfm to cubic metre/minute = 0.56634 cubic metre/minute. The flow rate value 1 m3/s (cubic meter per second) in words is "one m3/s (cubic meter per second)". Flow unit conversion between cubic foot/minute and cubic foot/second, cubic foot/second to cubic foot/minute conversion in batch, ft3/min ft3/s conversion chart 40 cfm to cubic metre/minute = … Shipping Rates; Z Products; ISO Certification ; W-9; CA Resale Cert Form; We Accept. B. bar, atm, MPa oder PSI); Durchfluss (z. The SI derived unit for volume flow rate is the cubic meter/second. A cubic feet is said to be non metric unit of volume. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Flow unit conversion between cubic meter/hour and cubic foot/minute, cubic foot/minute to cubic meter/hour conversion in batch, m3/h ft3/min conversion chart Conversion dans les unités du système international : L'unité de flux est le mètre cube par seconde (m 3 /s) : . Convertir mètre cube par seconde en pied cube par seconde. Il permet de lever certaines ambiguïtés du fait que la mesure de gaz est sujette à variation en fonction de la température et la pression. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Many other converters available for free. The cubic meters per second unit number 0.00047 m3/sec converts to 1 cu ft/min, one cubic foot per minute. 1 cfm to cubic metre/minute = 0.02832 cubic metre/minute. ›› Quick conversion chart of cfm to cubic m/hr. s -1 , m 3 /s or cubic meter per second in American English) is a derived SI unit of flow rate equal to that of a cube with sides one metre (100 centimetres or 39.37 inches) in length exchanged or moving each second. Part Number Search; New SMC Products; Technical Datasheets; Technical Tables; SMC Instructional Manuals; Document Library; Product Index; E-Tech; Related Links. 10 cfm to cubic metre/minute = 0.28317 cubic metre/minute. Privacy policy | Terms of Use & Disclaimer | Contact | Advertise | Site map © 2019, from cubic meters per second into cubic feet per minute, cubic meters per second into cubic feet per minute, flow rate from cubic foot per minute (cu ft/min) to cubic meters per second (m3/sec). Cubic Meters Per Minute to Cubic Feet Per Minute (or just enter a value in the "to" field) Please share if you found this tool useful: Tweet. Use this page to learn how to convert between cubic feet/minute and cubic meters/second. The cubic meters per second unit number 0.00047 m3/sec converts to 1 cu ft/min, one cubic foot per minute. 2. for conversion factors between unit pairs. Use this page to learn how to convert between cubic feet/minute and cubic metres/hour. CONVERT :   between other flow rate measuring units - complete list. Pied cube par minute, dont le symbole est pi3/min (en anglais, cubic foot per minute ou CFM), est une unité non-SI de flux. CFM to L/s Converter. TOGGLE :   from cubic meters per second into cubic feet per minute in the other way around. m3/sec ANSWER: 15 cu ft/min = 0.0071 m3/sec, Abbreviation, or prefix, for cubic foot per minute is: cu ft/min area, mass, pressure, and other types. It is the EQUAL flow rate value of 1 cubic foot per minute but in the cubic meters per second flow rate unit alternative. Nutzen Sie unsere Umrechnungstabelle für die einfache Umrechnung von Einheiten der Größen Druck (Z. Simply select the input unit, enter the value and click "Convert" button. It is the EQUAL flow rate value of 1 cubic foot per minute but in the cubic meters per second flow rate unit alternative. Page with flow rate by mass unit pairs exchange. Convert flow rate of cubic foot per minute (cu ft/min) and cubic meters per second (m3/sec) units in reverse from cubic meters per second into cubic feet per minute. Conversion dans les unités du système international : L'unité de flux est le mètre cube par seconde (m3/s) : Mais il est plus pratique d'utiliser les unités dérivées, litre par seconde (l/s) ou mètre cube par heure (m3/h) : Le pied cube standard par minute (pi3/min standard) correspond au pi3/min, dans des conditions particulières standardisées. s-1, m3/s or cubic meter per second in American English) is a derived SI unit of flow rate equal to that of a cube with sides one metre (100 centimetres or 39.37 inches) in length exchanged or moving each second. Cubic is the measurement of three dimensional derivative of a linear measure. Les constructeurs de ventilateurs pour ordinateur ou processeur indiquent souvent le débit d'air de leurs appareils en pi3/min (typiquement quelques dizaines). Easily convert cubic meters per hour to cubic meters per second, convert m 3 /h to m 3 /s . 1 cfm is equal to 0.00047194745 cubic meter/second. You can find metric conversion tables for SI units, as well 1 cubic meter/second is equal to 2118.8799727597 cfm, or 3600 cubic m/hr. This is simple to use online converter of weights and measures. Convertissez les unités de Débit. A liter is said to be the unit of volume which is defined as the unit of measurement. How many cubic meters per second are in 1 cubic foot per minute? Ainsi, un appareil de 50 pi3/min fait passer un flux de 23,5 litres par seconde. Unit Descriptions; 1 Cubic Foot per Minute: A flow rate of 1 cubic foot per minutes. This unit-to-unit calculator is based on conversion for one pair of two flow rate units. inch, 100 kg, US fluid ounce, 6'3", 10 stone 4, cubic cm, The link to this tool will appear as: flow rate from cubic foot per minute (cu ft/min) to cubic meters per second (m3/sec) conversion. After pressing the Calculate Airflow button, read the CFM requirement of 34.91 CFM in the volume airflow units column. Type in unit