Required fields are marked *. The BEST Cast Iron Steak. How to cook cast iron steaks: In order to make perfect steaks in the cast iron, you’ll need a good cast iron skillet (make sure it’s seasoned! If you make a recipe from my blog, be sure to tag @simplyhomecooked on Instagram for a chance to be featured! I made my steak like this today and when I tasted it it was soooo salty I could feel my blood pressure rise. Using an oven mitt, transfer the pan to the oven and let it cook for 4-5 more minutes. Place steaks into the hot pan (it should sizzle). }function loadFcSC0a5(){if(window.scrollY>88)loadFc0a5()};document.addEventListener('scroll',loadFcSC0a5);
Really adds good flavor without all that salt. Plus, with only 6 ingredients, most of which you have in your pantry, it's a cinch to make. Crispy Garlic Thyme Roasted Sweet Potatoes. Let sit at room temperature for at least 30 minutes and up to 1 hour. Depending on the size/thickness of your steak, you probably won’t need more than 15 minutes. I believe life is too short for bad coffee and boring meals. The best way to find out is to use a meat thermometer in the thickest part of the steak. Continue turning and flipping until cooked to desired degree of doneness (for medium-rare, a thermometer should read 135°; medium, 140°; medium-well, 145°), 1-2 minutes. You actually need the coarse kosher salt to create that delicious crust on the outside of the steak. function loadFc30b(){var i=function(t){if(!t)return;var n=t.getBoundingClientRect();return 2222>||-2222>};if(inited30b||!i(document.querySelector('#fck30b,#convertkit_form-2')))return;inited30b=!0;console.log('load f.convertkit in widget 30bb3f0ab9');
However, cooking time will vary depending on the steak you get and the thickness. Place steaks into the hot pan (it should sizzle). Place steak in skillet and cook until easily moved, 1-2 minutes; flip, placing steak in a different section of the skillet. This is the best way to cook steaks in the winter when the grill is covered in snow. They’re seriously SO delicious! 30 Minute Meals, 30-Minute Meals, American, Beef & Pork, Cuisine, Holiday, Main Course, Valentine's Day cast iron steak, oven steak, ribeye, steak. For this recipe, we chose ribeye because it has great marbling and as the fat melts during cooking, it just adds to the texture and taste that you won’t be able to get enough of. Once the pan is smoking pour in the, Once the steak has seared for a few minutes and formed a brown crust, flip it over, and continue basting with the melted herb butter on top. The best way to tell when your steak is done is by using an instant-read, Snap a photo of it and tag me on Instagram. Cooking with butter, garlic, rosemary, and thyme packs the steak with so much delicious flavor. var s=document.createElement('script');s.async=true;s.onload=function(){};s.src='//';
Heat a cast-iron skillet over high heat until hot, for about 5 minutes. If that's the case--props to you. Here’s how we do it! … I also use tongs to hold the steak up on it’s fat edge to help that cook faster. Sear the steak on each side for about 4 minutes, flip + sear for additional 4 minutes for medium (sear for 5 minutes on each side for well done). Finishing off in the oven is another great way to finish steak!