Is this correct?A. Hope that makes sense, Thanks, that all makes sense :) it's just a waiting game now. Rules allow breaks in care of up to 12 weeks within any six month period without you losing payment of C.A. I have Contribution Based Employment Support Allowance (ESA) in my own right of £113.55 with a means tested top-up at £17.10 weekly giving me £130.65 weekly ESA, this is my only income. Hope that makes sense. Hopefully it will be processed soon. I have had Carers Allowance for some years. Other Reclaiming: Mortgage Fees, Council Tax etc, Pensions, Annuities & Retirement Planning, Report Holiday Deals, Bargains & Special Offers, Martin's Blogs & Appearances & MoneySavingExpert in the News. From what you say you could lose your mother £66.95 weekly (The Severe Disability Premium) by claiming Carers Allowance and you would only gain £37.50 (The Carer Premium) seek advice 01387 266 888 for possible ways round this rule. You can get an extra amount called a ‘Carers’ Premium’ or ‘Carers’ Addition’ with any of the following benefits if you get Carer’s Allowance: Pension Credit. I do look after him, but do not feel that I will be entitled.A. It will be back paid to the date on your form. I am currently in receipt of carers allowance and I've just been to sign to complete my income support claim. All family income from carer's payments (Carer's Allowance or Carer's Benefit). Payments I have been finding it difficult at the Jobcentre when I go into sign on. is not means tested and does not depend on your previous years National Insurance Contributions, it is taxable. We often link to other websites, but we can't be responsible for their content. Carer’s Allowance counts as income when these benefits are worked out. Who has either Attendance Allowance or the middle or high rate care component of Disability Living Allowance or Constant Attendance Allowance of £66.40 or over (Part of War Disablement Pension or Industrial Injuries) and from April 2013 the Daily Living Component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP).You do not have to be related to this person, or living with them. Rental income from the letting of property or land (the capital value is not assessed). My question is, has any one been successful with getting back pay from income support and how much do you get per week. I got accepted for income support and i claim carers allowance it works out at £45 per week paid fourtnightly and then my carers i get weekly so it is the £62:10 it will say in your letter that you get the income support and the premium which will be around 103 per week then they deduct the carers allowance and that leaves the £45 per week. Thanks for replying :) If you are actually paid ANY Carers Allowance or the Carer Element in UC the person you care for will not receive the Severe Disability Premium (£66.95 wkly) in their Income Support (I.S), Income Based Jobseekers (IBJSA), Pension Credit, Housing and Council Tax benefits calculations. Thank you! I have no savings. Your present income (£130.65 ESA) will go up by the value of the Carer premium (£37.50) giving you £168.15 weekly ESA. Carer's Allowance is a taxable source of income and should be advised to your local tax office. I claim IBJSA. As your mother has A.A paid already you are eligible for I.S as a carer now regardless of whether you have claimed CA or not. It's all confusing for me. Note that if the disabled person is in hospital for over four weeks, or for children 12 weeks, they will lose their qualifying benefit for you to be able to claim C.A., so your C.A. Hi. You are here: Benefits Guides | Carers AllowanceCarers Allowance Because of this it is not always advantageous for you to claim C.A. You should claim online or by using form DS700 available at benefits agencies or advice centres. I got accepted for income support and i claim carers allowance it works out at £45 per week paid fourtnightly and then my carers i get weekly so it is the £62:10 it will say in your letter that you get the income support and the premium which will be around 103 per week then they deduct the carers allowance and that leaves the £45 per week. In Scotland see below for more info:YOUNG CARERS HEREOTHER CARERS HEREWhat is it?This is an allowance at £67.25 weekly for people who spends at least 35 hours each week caring for a severely disabled person. It also gives you a class one National Insurance Credit and a second State Pension.You cannot be paid C.A. They said I'd given enough info for it to be considered. I'm hoping it's sorted next week been awful only having £62 a week coming in. You should receive some money in the next week . Income. familiarise yourself with the latest version. Also are you in a relationship? If the person you care for has claimed or is trying to increase their existing Attendance Allowance (AA) or Disability Living Allowance (D.L.A) or PIP award but is still waiting for a decision you will have three months from the letter awarding the qualifying benefit or increase to claim Carers Allowance and it will still be fully backdated to the original date D.L.A or A.A or PIP was first award or increased even if this a lot more than three months ago.Frequently Asked QuestionsQ. If you go into hospital your C.A. Carers allowance will contact Income Support because the carers allowance payment will be deducted £1 for £1 from the Income Support and then they add the carers premium of £36 per week. I got accepted for income support and i claim carers allowance it works out at £45 per week paid fourtnightly and then my carers i get weekly so it is the £62:10 it will say in your letter that you get the income support and the premium which will be around 103 per week then they deduct the carers allowance and that leaves the £45 per week. If you also have Attendance Allowance, PIP or Disability Living Allowance Etc yourself.If you are paid C.A. For example, you might be able to apply for Universal Credit, Income Support, or a Council Tax Reduction if you are eligible. if your earnings are over £128 weekly, after deducting Tax , National Insurance, half of any contribution you make towards an occupational or personal pension, and up to half your net earning if you pay someone other than a close relative to care for the disabled person or your child under sixteen. You can find out more in our document about the Carer's Support Grant. Re-apply. Up to 4 weeks can be for any temporary breaks in care, such as holidays or respite care, during this 4 week temporary break in care you are allowed to earn over the normal £128 weekly limit on earnings and not lose your C.A. The Carer's Support Grant is automatically paid to people getting Carer's Allowance in June of each year. Income Support (IS) Income - based Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) Income - related Employment & Support Allowance (ESA) Housing Benefit You can also get an additional amount on top of Pension Credit. Thanks for replying, Hi I literally just got my letter threw explaining it all. Sent from my SM-G920F using Netmums mobile app, Maternity allowance and sure start maternity grant. Who lives alone, and has Pension Credit and A.A. Thanks for replying :) You should have a full benefits check done right away, as any award of D.L.A can mean extra money for you in Tax Credits or your carer. Do note, while we always aim to give you accurate product info at the point of publication, unfortunately price and terms of products and deals can always be changed by the provider afterwards, so double check first. You can get C.A. No. Always seek professional advice relevant to your circumstances. but are unable to be paid it due to having another benefit in your own right, you will have the carer premium (£37.50) included in your applicable amount for Employment Support Allowance (Income Related), Income Support (I.S), Income Based Jobseekers, Pension Credit, Housing and Council Tax Benefits and Universal Credit.If you are actually paid ANY Carers Allowance or the Carer Element in UC the person you care for will not receive the Severe Disability Premium (£66.95 wkly) in their Income Support (I.S), Income Based Jobseekers (IBJSA), Pension Credit, Housing and Council Tax benefits calculations. Carers allowance will then paid separately. Hi can I get some advice please? You can get C.A if you have never worked. I have no income except Child Benefit and Working Tax Credit. If you already receive the same amount or more from any of the following benefits, Severe Disablement Allowance, Incapacity Benefit, Contributory Employment Support Allowance, Contribution Based Jobseekers, State Training Allowance, Unemployability Supplement, Retirement Pension, or Widows Benefits.The C.A. Scottish Heating and Cold Weather Payments, Employment Support Allowance (Income Related). Industrial Injuries Benefit (Diseases and Deafness). I did ask about claiming I.S as a carer, but was told that I could not claim I.S as a carer due to not also claiming CA. I've applied for CA 7 days ago, have you started being paid yet? I have been told that I should receive about £51 per week Retirement Pension. As they expect me to be available for work a lot more than I am able to allow, due to caring. Do I have a claim for CA. My son aged 4 has only just been awarded the middle rate care of D.L.A (£59.70 wk), due to his illness. As this is less than I have with Carers Allowance, do I have to claim this pension in November?A. If Income related ESA was possible then they would need to claim as a couple. I don't know if I will get all the back pay as it's 16 weeks worth of back pay I've requested so not sure how it all works. The gross rental income is assessed and you cannot deduct mortgage payments or other expenses. READ MORE- Carers Allowance rate 2020: Is carers allowance … Childcare. What the Benefit Agency is saying is correct. Maternity allowance and tax credit payment dates over christmas/newyear. She has A.A at the high rate £89.15 weekly. You should receive some money in the next week . I have requested Back pay from income support and my advisor says I've provided enough info for this to be considered and it's gone for processing. Tax implications. or have claimed C.A. Can you help? As we have said before, if you or any member of your family is awarded D.L.A for the first time or a higher level of D.L.A. Always remember anyone can post on the MSE forums, so it can be very different from our opinion. before the date you claim and can show that you meet all the qualifying conditions then C.A. You and the person you care for should Seek Advice. Sent from my iPhone using Netmums mobile app, Thank you I read online you get £45 from income support but then I read it's £35 so not too sure.