You are right! He can ask the CMS for a variation in maintenance payment based on ‘prior debt’ for her using the children as weapons to punish him - he needs to formalise contact through the courts to take her perceived power away. For information on CMS please see our section, If you think your CSA Payments are unfair, COVID-19 HAVING A SEVERE IMPACT ON SLEEP, A NATIONAL SLEEP SURVEY REVEALS, Help your kids tackle stress, hormone changes, anxiety, and sleep disorders, 10 TOP TIPS WHEN TALKING TO YOUR TEENAGERS ABOUT SEPARATION, The first 24 hours: what to expect when you bring baby home, Interview: Darron Speck on his Race across the World, Interview: Jason Manford on How To Answer Your Kids' Trickiest Questions. Child maintenance can be paid: • every week• every fortnight• every four weeks• every month If you miss payments, you will normally be asked to pay the full amount you owe straight away. We buy the children lots of things also- basically they don't want for anything from either parent. - If you think your CSA Payments are unfair. Regardless of how much debt he is in his children still need to eat and be clothed. To think a bottle of washing up liquid should last a year, Share your tips on how you style your children’s hair - £100 voucher to be won, Let’s talk kids and gaming! Thank you @NorthernSpirit thanks I wasn't aware of this, u will have a look yes I think you're right. An IVA can catch unknown debts such as unpaid tax or overpaid tax credits. @Hopoindown31 Thanks for your reply, totally agree. So, no more letters, phones calls nor threats of legal action. Your available disposable income is how much you pay into the IVA. Results are not definitive advice. I sympathise with the situation in regarding her attitude but he was foolish not to deal with the debt issue properly at the time. Depends on whose the debt name was in etc as to whether you could do anything about that, but the threat may be enough. When you don't see your child for god knows how long, and you take your children out in the DAYTIME! Unfortinately i dont think there is anything he can do, as soon as a claim is made then arrears can start racking up if he dont pay.Its not nice when ex partners use the children as a weapon to get at the nrp.Do you have children together? @Weepingwillows12 I hadn't thought about that, but I'm not sure of the legalities around this.All it means is that the children will essentially be worse off when at their dads house. View our Privacy Policy for more details. Sadly for him, the majority are in his name and therefore his responsibility to repay. Now she moved out whith kidds and wants 250 . Registered address : They provide free debt counselling, debt adjustment and credit information services. I fully understand that the system is there to ensure that all non residential parents pay their way however it just seems very flawed.. Falling into arrears or failing to pay has serious consequences. They aim to collect all the arrears within two years and can ask you to pay up to 40 per cent of your income, depending on your circumstances and other financial commitments. Is the debt in just his name? By continuing to use our website, you agree to, enforcing payment of CMS child maintenance, Further interest & charges while repaying these over several years could be say as…. We may use your email address to respond to you about your comment. Worried about new partners influence on child. Repay part of your debts to clear them in full. We where struggling and living month to month when the kidds and my ex partner live at home evern whith child tax creddits and my wages as partner dont work . Ask the CSA if you can change how often you make your payments. Practical advice on choosing a school, homework, exams and going to University, Sign up to our newsletter for the latest features, news and competitions. For example, if the payment was made to: • pay a mortgage or loan which is taken out to buy or pay for essential repairs or improvement to the home where the child lives, and which is secured on that home• pay rent or council tax for the home where the child lives• pay gas, water or electricity charges for the home where the child lives, or• make essential repairs to the heating system or fabric of the home where the child lives. An IVA allows you to regain control of your debts and work towards debt freedom. I might be wrong but I understood that the child maintenance includes everything he gives his ex so that would include paying her share of the debt? Everything you need to know in the run-up to your child's birth. This establishes how to much you to have to pay towards your non-priority debts once you've paid for your living expenses, important obligations and priority debts.