... ensure + [noun/pronoun] + [action] 14. The difference between goals and end goals. Manufacturing: . 100 essential business verbs: accept: add: admit: advertise: advise: afford: approve: authorize : avoid: borrow: break: build: buy: calculate: call: cancel: change: charge for: check: choose: complain : complete: confirm: consider: convince: count: decide: decrease: deliver: develop: dismiss: dispatch: distribute: divide: drop: employ: encourage: establish: estimate: exchange: extend: fall: fix: fund: get worse: … If the experience happened in the past, use the action verb listed. If you enjoyed this page, please consider bookmarking Simplicable. A set of criteria that is commonly applied to business goals. The definition of mass communication with examples. An overview of personal goals with examples for professionals, students and self-improvement. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Now a chance to up your cool factor. Research and Development: . For ... Strategy. You learn how to find, plan and schedule content, how to reuse content to increase follower, and how to hire a writer when needed. Objectives. Try Using a Writing Formula. Which of these two sentences do you think is the more powerful? 15 English Verbs for Business That Make You Sound Professional 1. A definition of action plan with examples. The most popular articles on Simplicable in the past day. Contact me at terri@terristurner.com. Challenge yourself to create robust writing by replacing being verbs with action verbs. Content advisor. A definition of service business with examples. Now a chance to up your cool factor. The definition of practical thinking with examples. All rights reserved. Enter (with effort or force) Eg: It’s always been his ambition to break into broadcasting. To view definitions or further expand your vocabulary, check out Social Strategy 1. passive form: Sales were increased by a hundred percent. Reproduction of materials found on this site, in any form, without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. Healthcare: . active form: I increased sales by a hundred percent. Provide (Give) While “give” has many meanings, it would only be correct to replace it with the professional verb “provide” when handing something to someone (such as a document or pin code). 2, Business vocabulary exercise: 5 verbs (damage, repair, break, maintain, assemble), Business grammar exercise: much, many with uncountable, countable nouns. How? Cookies help us deliver our site. The following verbs were added to dictionaries this year. Report violations. Developing an action plan with targets for a team or individual. I help you compete in the noisy, crowded Internet environment, where 99% of communication is done through the written word. 225 Examples of Action Verbs. Wanna write for business success? Here are 100 commonly-used verbs that you should know and be able use if you work in an English-speaking business environment. These are often specified with present tense action verbs. Feel free to share your favorite new verbs or to illustrate how you improved your writing with powerful, action verbs. no “ed”). address; arbitrate A list of thinking approaches and mindsets. To get started, highlight all the being verbs in your draft blog, email, web copy or report. Here is a list of typical action verbs categorised by skill: Communication skills. The common types of measurable business goal with examples. Goals are the targets of a business, organizational unit, team or individual. The defining characteristics of abstract art. generate, manufacture, procure, purchase, Professional Consulting: Guide, implement, motivate, organize, recommend, Research and Development: Analyze, extract, invent, research, solve, Sustainable Energy: Convert, fuel, generate, output, renew. Can’t Get Started Writing? An overview of learning goals with examples and a list of action verbs. Business verbs are action words that are useful in describing business goals, plans and achievements. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed or translated. The major types of abstract art with an example of each. Action verbs provide power and muscle for better business writing. © 2010-2020 Simplicable. Five Ways Verbs Simplify Business Writing. 1, Business vocabulary exercise: financial verbs (borrow, lend, owe, invoice, afford) ex. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. List of 50 Action Verbs for Business Writing Banking: . Elderly Services: . Meaningful and attention grabbing business verbs are also important to job descriptions, resumes and interviews. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Professional Consulting: . Business writer. Most Read Book Demonstrates The Best of “How To Write”, 10 Reasons Businesses Should Write More This Year. A verb that expresses a mental or physical action. Contact (Get in Touch With) Both the phrase “get in touch with” and the verb “contact” are used in … Break into. These are used in all business communications including pitches for new businesses. Then replace the verb with one from this list of 50 action verbs for business writing listed by 9 current U.S. growth industries. A reasonably comprehensive guide to strategy. A list of sample employee objectives for a wide range of roles, responsibilities and industries. Trainer. You get hands-on training to write so customers will buy. Performance Feedback. Speakspeak | 100 essential business verbs, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), How to learn Business English more quickly and easily, Business vocabulary exercise: financial verbs (borrow, lend, owe, invoice, afford) ex. Business Action Verbs Use these action verbs in interviews, on resumes, and cover letters to impress employers and help you achieve your career goals. Performance Objectives. You should use plenty of action verbs in your resume, matched to your skills, and use them in the active form, not the passive form. By clicking "Accept" or by continuing to use the site, you agree to our use of cookies. Founder of TST Business Strategies, LLC. Banking: Audit, balance, calculate, invest, resolve, Education: Comprehend, evaluate, instruct, learn, study, Elderly Services: Adapt, confer, involve, revise, understand, Healthcare:  Assess, listen, monitor, screen, transfer, Information Technology:  Code, develop, implement, network, program, Manufacturing: Assemble. Remember: if the experience is present, ensure that the action verb is in the present tense (i.e. Common types of revenue goals with examples. Education: . The definition of service industry with examples. Unfortunately, most business content lacks strength, relying on weak verbs such as: is, am, are, was, were, be, being and been. Goals. Information Technology: . Sustainable Energy: . Visit our, Copyright 2002-2020 Simplicable.