Each glow in the color corresponding to their element, making them easily identifiable. Of the remaining parts, generally only the grip can impart a name prefix, and only if the item lacks an accessory and is non-elemental or explosive. You can also find a text description within @Blutfatal’s DDD Guide to Min/maxing, under the “M0. These have higher priority in naming than the grip prefixes shown above. 'Best Legit Weapon Possible' Guncard Reference Archive. Required fields are marked *. Hi- Great guns. Does anyone have a link to such a guide for BL1? Each grip design is specific to the weapon's manufacturer, therefore each repeater and machine pistol of the same manufacturer will have the same grip. If the weapon does not qualify for any of these, its title defaults to "Repeater," or "Machine Pistol" if it has body5. The action is a part unique to repeaters. Attribute prefixes may further bias the weapon's attributes. Certain combat styles may nevertheless favor certain sights, either for ease when firing from the hip or for improved peripheral-field visibility. 1.HX 140 C damage 258,acc.95.3 fr.12.5 ,,55 bullets 4x. It does, but that’s also partly because the Dahl barrel inherently decreases damage. Shotguns 6. Check if they all have the same damage value If anyone can help I'd really appreciate it, otherwise I'll just look forward to the completion of the graphic here. My friends and I have been playing Borderlands for a while we thought it would be cool to have an app for it. Now when looking at these weapons on your game you cannot use them unless you are something like “Required Level 147345” approx. GREAT TOOL and SITE! How do I know who is right and who is wrong? Thanks for the suggestion. Right now it’s just a skeleton site but give it a week or so and it should fill up with gear. The different types of weapons are: 1. Don’t know if this site is still kept up, but just an observation. click a guncard to go to the gun’s Gearcalc page for parts makeup, damage per second, reload speed, damage at different levels etc. I using willowtree,and restaring the missions,but how to set to all of them to be level 69. It's about the barrel, scope, grip, body, and special accessories from each manufacturer as well to … These may not be able to make it to long range, but they can still be effective at mid-range. For example: If I want a good Hellfire, what accessory do I want, and do I want a Maliwan grip? Honeyminer makes crypto mining and earning money simple for anyone with a computer. This is incredible and I admire you for it. The body of a repeater is easy to identify, since the model name declares it straightforwardly. What did you do in BL2 during your most recent session? Rage machine pistols fire 5-round bursts instead of the full-auto of conventional machine pistols, Any guides out there on BL1 weapon parts? To recap: Since all machine pistols have body5, all machine pistols will have the TMP name. expending two rounds of ammunition per shot in either case. My STEAM ID crowcryding want someone to fight together.