Are you willing to respect him unconditionally? Spending time with them goes a long way toward making them feel protected and loved. These teaching moments may not have connected with Joey in the same way they did for the girls, but we included him as much as we could. In our situation, I went off to work while my wife stayed home and cared for our children. There was another entity in their home besides her and her husband: the relationship. Respect – This is number one! He’s probably not always respectable. Ladies, are you allowing your husband to sense your satisfaction in his abilities to lead? It requires a moment-by-moment dependence on God’s Spirit. Other Countries: 1-434-525-0022 So … Copyright © 2020, Bible Study Tools. In my experience, men are using a different word that means this if they say it isn’t! Used by permission. When expectations are unclear, unhealthy, unspoken or unmet, one or both spouses can start to feel neglected, inadequate and/or frustrated with the marriage. Yet we have this assurance: that “nothing is impossible with God” (Luke 1:37). Plus, and this is so important to understand, nagging never accomplishes what the wife hopes it will. There is nothing more important to me than Him.”, I quickly empathized, “Oh, I think I can understand. I previously shared 7 of the greatest needs of a wife, based on personal observation and experience working with married couples.. Today I continue with the man’s side of the needs. Do You Have the Spiritual Gift of Administration? We invested time in teaching all of our children God’s Word. The marriage relationship has three major components: the husband, the wife, AND the relationship. We can’t let the obstacles of life get in the way of building a strong marriage. Proud member
Basically, God tells us over and over to live a life of love (Eph. It requires a moment-by-moment dependence on God’s Spirit. It takes time and discipline to maintain, especially with the many obstacles that cross our path – in my case, raising a child with special needs. Spiritual Gifts and Their Relationship to God’s Will, Why Christians Should Understand What a Spiritual Gift Is, Eight Reasons Why All Christians Should Know Their Spiritual Gifts, Website Designer: Lawrence Media Interactive. Rita did not conceive of the idea that their relationship was an important third, living, entity in their home, that could bring delight to God or grieve Him. Relationships in our homes have the power to bring either glory to God or grief to God. And in the midst of life’s challenges is another: being the husband and father God calls us to be. So, when our wives are upset, we panic. Ladies, does your husband know he’s number one to you—that no man could ever take his place? If you received the article in an email, there are links at the bottom to share through email and social media. Although women should submit to their husbands, the Bible also tells men several times how they are supposed to treat their wives. It is a challenge to spend both quality and quantity time with the other children. I too have given my life to Christ, since a child, and He is my Lord.”, Rita continued, “No, you see, He is everything to me. Do You Have the Spiritual Gift of Shepherding? When so much time is spent caring for the child(ren) with special needs, it’s easy to lose track of our other children’s needs. As a Christian husband, the strength I (Joe) need in order to carry out these responsibilities ultimately flows out of my relationship with God. All rights reserved. Recognizing that fact was the first step toward realizing that no matter what kind of day I had, my wife “had a day,” too! We really do want to succeed! You may also copy the URL (link in your browser) to the actual article online and share that with others, so they may read the article also. We are sorry that this was not useful for you! As an example, if a family struggles financially and the wife complains about it all the time, the man hears that as “I’m not good enough.” The greatest assurance of the fact that we have “what it takes” comes from our wives. She had returned an anniversary ring Roger bought her, to use the money for something else she wanted. Do You Have the Spiritual Gift of Mercy-Showing? As a dad, I once dreamed of playing sports with a son – maybe even coaching – but because that wasn’t to be, I found other ways to “connect” with Joey. If you are married, assess the aroma of your marital relationship before God. A Biblical Goal for Marriage. These 8 Expectations for a Great Marriage may help too. I don't have any lofty expectations and guess what - that's great - because if I had any they wouldn't get met anyway. Do we meet all your expectations in a man? The marriage relationship has three major components: the husband, the wife, AND the relationship. He’s hoping that someone is you. Blessings. If it were cared for, nurtured, and treated tenderly, it could be strong and healthy. Roger and Rita sat across from each other in the wing-backed chairs in my office. It’s been my observation that many men are overwhelmed by the responsibility of being the husbands and fathers God has called them to be. In Christ, “whoever would be great among you must be your servant” (Matthew 20:26). The wife should allow her husband to make some mistakes and not criticize us when we can’t do something as well as you can (which we know is many things!). A Husband’s Expectations in Marriage. Without question, Joey required a different kind of time and attention. You see, I love God with my whole heart. By: Dave Willis . Does it bring Him sorrow or pleasure? When a man enters into a covenant relationship with his bride, he commits to the responsibilities of loving, honoring and cherishing her. Sadly, Rita was not interested in caring for this unseen member of their family; only herself and her somewhat distorted understanding of God. These are some of my fondest memories of their childhoods, and we continue to enjoy our special times together (even with one daughter married and the other in college). He may not scour the internet looking for self-help articles on “How to be a Good Husband in 6 Easy Steps”, but he will know where your expectations for him will come from.