Name the four faunae thrust upon the Egyptians by God as agents to spread the plague. These will serve as valuable materials for our annual Bible quiz programme during men fellowship anniversary. I love this site it is so very helpful. May the Lord God Bless us all. It’s perfect for the youth to answer some questions. What is another name for the Sermon on the Mount? Historically, most Bible Bowl/Quiz organizations have used either the New International Version or the King James Version as the translation for their programs. In what language was the Old Testament written? What was the first bird that Noah let out of the ark? How did Jesus reveal the one who would betray him? Bible Quiz Competition: Bible Quiz, also known as Bible Bowl is a very popular event that takes place between teams (often representing individual churches) over knowledge of a pre-determined section of the Bible. After the exile, the Israelites returned and started to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, but which other prophet along with Zechariah was sent to encourage the completion of the partly built temple? Who was the first person to come upon the injured man in the parable of the Good Samaritan? Paul and Silas were imprisoned during the second missionary journey, but in what city did this happen? All answers are hidden by default. What is the common name given to the first four books of the New Testament? We have separated the questions from the answers to make our kids trivia quiz easier to use. Use our list of Bible trivia questions for kids in Sunday school class, for devotions, or anytime you have a group of kids who love God’s Word. How many people did Jesus feed with five loaves of bread and two fish? Which judge was betrayed to the Philistines by a woman? Figuring that out. After Jesus was arrested, which apostle disowned him three times? Which Jewish festival results from the events in Esther? When Christians observe Palm Sunday, what biblical narrative are they celebrating? What event triggers the division of Israel into two kingdoms? Which of these Old Testament prophets lived during the reign of King Josiah? In front of whom do both the Sun and the Moon standstill? How did Rahab let the invading Israelites identify her house? For example, you could use the first question to ask, “What happened on the fifth day? What did the Holy Spirit look like when the disciples received it? Name one book that tells of Jesus’ birth? What do Moses and Joshua forbid the Israelites to do in the Promised Land? Some groups also feature a “quoting bee” as an additional part of their competition. What animal was often used for transportation in the Bible? This is very helpful for both my couples class and my junior Church! And tomorrow were gonna have a jamboree. Which prophet secretly anointed David as king? (An extra point for naming the nearby river!). People look on the outward appearance, but what does God look on? What was Jesus doing when the storm arose?