"For as in Adam all die, even so in ____ shall all be made alive." If he picks option two, he places a Number 2 Card face down in front of him on the table. Print the numbers from the list on small pieces of paper and place them in a bag. to start the game everyone is looking for the first word of the These hand-on games and activities are a great way to review the books of the Bible. Just print two pages off and cut them out. 4. As the students find a word from the verse they can cross off The team that gets them all in order first wins. There are 54 printable cards with 26 different designs. 1. This game goes along with the lesson about Joseph interpreting the King's dream on The Resource Room. cards have been picked up. Keep playing until there is only one child left. Children take turns throwing a die. It is appropriate for grades 2 and up. Go to the Books of the Bible Crafts and Activities Page for sample printable patterns and a list of games. Use rolled up tape on the back of the cloak patterns instead of thumb tacks. II Corinthians 5:17. This free, printable activity will help kids learn what happened that day and understand that Jesus is worthy of our worship! Children take turns throwing the cube. 1 Corinthians 15:22 Add the missing word when the apple with "Christ" has been found. 1. This free Woman At The Well Matching Game is about the encounter between Jesus and the woman at the well where she would discover that Jesus is the Messiah! If the bird's beak How many matches can each of your children find? Game #2 - Print out enough cards so that you have at least a set of cards for each child. Print out the bible bingo numbers list. Eight tiles (4 pairs) give your children a chance to play a matching game. The child who finds all six cards first wins. face down on the table. The student who finds the word "Therefore" This free, printable Bible Matching Game is a great way to test your Bible knowledge! This w, Aesop's fables have endured for centuries because they share timeless lessons that every generation, Our family loves games and puzzles. verse, "Therefore." Have the words "The Books of the Bible are Falling (Printable cards in both the KJV and NIV Available on The Resource Room, above. 3. To make the game easier print out the beginning Bible verse sheets and the ending Bible verse sheets onto different colors of card stock. 2. Children take turns turning over two cards at a time trying to match the pictures. Children throw a beanbag or ball at the game pieces and try to knock pieces backwards so that the letters on the bottom of the cards pop up to show the saying "Keep the Peace". They don't ask each other if they have a certain card, they just take turns picking cards from each other. This game is available to members only and goes along with the lesson, "Abigail Keeps the Peace" on The Resource Room. This matching game gives children an opportunity to have fun playing a game while they learn about the power of Jesus to immediately make a violent storm totally calm. 1. The object you are looking for may be only part of the missing word. This match game acquaints children with some of the people and things that are a part of the true story of Zacchaeus and his encounter with Jesus. When someone answers the question correctly have everyone check their Bingo Card to see if they have that number. This game is available to members only and goes along with the lesson, "Adam and Eve" on The Resource Room. Game 2 - Use only game board 1 and 3 for a shorter board. in front of them. To do this children take turns throwing a die and moving their dinosaur in either direction (backwards or forwards) the number of spaces shown on the die. (If you don't have cereal boxes, you can just print out the labels onto card stock, and use them like cards. Count up the number of words that have been guessed by each team. If they land on a space that says, "Eat One" or "Eat Two", they must put one or two pieces of manna back in the middle of the board. It will give you a chance to talk about how the faithful shepherd went out in search of the one sheep who had wandered away from the flock. them answer questions after they get a match in order to keep the Spread the cards out so that they are all visible and not in order. Give each team a belt and a set of "Truth" Bible verse strips. This Palm Sunday matching game features close-ups of Jesus and several of the people who were excited to see Him make His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem on the Sunday before His crucifixion. FREE: The Mystery of History Planning & Portfolio Pages, The Mystery of History Planning & Portfolio Pages, FREE Weather and Natural Disasters Resources, Human Anatomy Freebies & Instant Downloads, How to Transition into a Charlotte Mason Homeschool, Master Books Wonders of Creation Companion Notebook Series, The Answers Books Companion Notebooking Journals. staple the leaves in order from the top of the bulletin board to The second child will look for the second word and place it to the right of the first word. She has been homeschooling for over a decade and has successfully graduated her first homeschooler. If you don't have any even amount of children, have a helper play the game. But more important than winning is learning about John the Baptist and the important message he had for people. If they pick a picture card, they say what the talent might be and how we can use it to help others. (Printable Cards are available on The Resource Room, above.). Divide the cards evenly between the groups. Print the cards (PDF) on card stock or heavy paper and cut them apart. Here's how the match game works. of the Bible in order and place them in a pile. Carrie is the owner & operator of Homeschool Giveaways. This match game depicts several different kinds of jars, each of which is a reminder of the jar of expensive oil that Mary used to anoint Jesus' feet. Have your children take turns trying to pin a feather to the manger while blind folded. Turn over all the cards and let the children take turns trying to find matches. the students take turns turning over cards to look for the word If they match, the child gets to keep the cards. Affiliate links may have been used in this post. Players must be the first team to preach in all three cities by landing on the "witness space" and then answering questions correctly to win the game. Let each child pick what set of questions they would like to answer - easy, medium, or hard. Remove all the "bad bug" cards except for one. There are four different ways to play the game, and it covers the Old and New Testaments. Print the memory verse on a sheet of paper for each group. If you have a lot of people playing, you can add colors to the numbers and use the numbers more than once. Younger children receive a treat after answering a question when they land on a picture of a dog with a dog bone. 1. At the end of the game the child who gets the most matches wins. If a child picks option one, he places a Number 1 Card on the table in front of him face down. The team that finds the most objects at the end of the allotted time wins. Explain that each child will take turns to turn over two tiles. Turn over all the cards and have your children take turns picking a card. Go to the Bible Crafts - Great Commission Page for more information. he can take a card from any of the other players. 2. This game can be used to review the Sunday School lesson about John the Baptist or Joshua and Kaleb entering the promised land. Some of the Bible verses may work with more than one lie, so they may have to switch some around so all the Bible verses match one of the lies. Have the child turn over one card at a time. same cards, but they will have a fifty/ fifty chance of getting a match. Make more copies if you have a lot of children. The child who isn't left with the "bad bug" card wins the game. Make a set for every 3 or 4 students When the game is over have your children look up the Bible verses that go along with the words they guessed correctly. She has been saved by grace, fails daily, but continues to strive toward the prize of the high calling of being a daughter of the Most High God. If you would like, you can let older children pick numbers 1 - 12, 14 - 17, 21, 24, 27, 30, 39, 40, 66, 70, 90, 99, 100, 150, 600, 969 and write them on their own cards. Mix up the cards and have the teams read them and place them in order. Children take turns picking an apple that they think might have the missing word written on it. Deal out all the cards to your children. Once all the Commandments are memorized you can use them as a game. Give each child a Number 1 Card and a Number 2 Card. They earn points by landing on a grasshopper circle and answering a question correctly. If the cards match, the player keeps them. He has to wait until he answers a question with a card that is the color of a bone he doesn't already possess. For instance, Children match up the beginning of the verses to the ends of the verses to make complete verses. Memory Cross cards are a great way for children to memorize Bible verses. These 66 books of the Bible are organized into sections. ©2012, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information. Have the other children take turns asking yes or no questions such as: "Does the son have a beard?" The child who acquires the most cards at the end of the game wins. The child who finds the match explains how the duo is related or something about the duo. The child that gets all four cards first to spell out the verse wins. Lesson for Children's Ministry, "Jesus Protects Me" Police-Theme Bible Lesson for Children's Ministry, "Jesus Heals Me" - Doctor and Paramedic - Theme The object of the game is to be the student who picks up the Testament Bible Stories Wooden Cube Puzzle, Alpine Tunnel Slide - Soft Indoor Play Equipment, Little Love Letters from God: Bible Stories Board Book, The Art of Bible Journaling: More Than 60 Step-by-Step Techniques for Expressing Your Faith Creatively, Throw Throw Burrito by Exploding Kittens - A Dodgeball Card Game - Family-Friendly Party Games, Creation Memory Bible Trivia Match Challenge Cards, The Everything Kids Bible Trivia Book: Stump Your Friends and Family With Your Bible Knowledge, Free Sunday School Lesson Psalm 139 - God Knows Me, Free Bible Lesson Watchdog Sunday School Lesson, Free Scaredy Cat Daniel in the Lion's Den, Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers Free Bible Lesson for Children, Free Sunday School Lesson Cards Patterns onto colorful paper. Children line up in two rows with a table at the front of the room. The object of the this game is to collect one each of the 6 colors of dinosaur prints with the words on them to spell out the Bible verse. A great way to teach children the people in the Bible. When the dreidel stops, they read the word on the top that is facing up and find the matching card in a bowl and place it in front of them. Keep playing until all the child get to pick a card. There are also Bible games that are available! If he lands on a talent space, he looks at the picture and tries to figure out what the child's talent might be in the picture and how he or she might use it to help others.