If you like what you're reading, you can get free daily updates through the RSS feed here. They are no model though. The Bible is a canonical collection of texts considered sacred in Judaism or Christianity. He was a real man of faith! He persevered through some of the most dreadful circumstances. The story of this relic is confusing, and today, there are many relics that are said to be the Holy Lance. I know you hear me…we humans get this “I” word in the way and think “We” have to perform these great feats to walk “worthy”, when the rest of Ephesians 4 speaks about just the opposite. So who is Cain’s wife, and where does she come from? This page includes a list of biblical proper names that start with S in English transcription. Some of the names are given with a proposed etymological meaning. In Matthew 15.22–28, we read the story of a woman from Canaan who asks Jesus to save her daughter who was possessed by a demon. And he was thrown into the den after being caught by the schemers. The ultimate A-Z Bible names list, complete with name meanings, origins and background info for all Bible baby names. Some Jewish extra-biblical accounts identify this woman as Bithiah. Moses had an extreme amount of patience with Israel as he led the hopeless generation through the wilderness for 40 years. Additional reading: How Did Noah Fit All the animals in the ark?eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'whatchristianswanttoknow_com-box-4','ezslot_2',117,'0','0'])); Elijah was the boldest of all of the prophets. Don’t break his heart. Luke 7.11–15 recounts an episode in the city of Nain where Jesus brings back to life a dead man who is being carried on his bier. Kenan (“possession” – son of Enosh, grandson of Asam 5. In chapter 4 (verses 1 and 9), we learn that this woman was named Awan and that she is Cain’s younger sister: “And in the third week in the second jubilee, she [Eve] gave birth to Cain, and in the fourth she gave birth to Abel, and in the fifth she gave birth to her daughter Awan.”. Aaron. They praised God one minute and then were complaining about God the next minute. He endured a 55 year minimum project to save his family and creation from the flood. Collect them all! The apocryphal Gospel of Peter (31), dated to the second century BC, does not provide the names of all the soldiers involved in this task, but it tells us that the guards were supervised by a Roman centurion named Petronius. Mahalalel – son of Kenan, descendant of Seth 6. 31-32 Make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk. In the original version, their names are Bithisarea, Melichior, and Gathaspa. So much for faithful Abraham. I do not believe I am alone when I hear the command to the Christian to walk “worthy” of the calling, in which you were called”(Eph 4:1), as a performance or endurance run. I waited so long for my boy and now you want me to sacrifice him?”  I don’t think I would have been able to follow through with it. There are many stories of God’s people claiming victory in the midst of the odds stacked against them. May God continue to bless you as you live a life worthy of the calling! We know something about their backgrounds and circumstances, but their actual names are not disclosed. Now He is definitely someone inspiring! Most of these are from the Old Testament because of the amazing faith they had in chaotic/life threatening circumstances. In Chapter 27 of a fourth-century book named Praeparatio Evangelica written by Eusebius, she is named Merris. Matthew (18.2) reads: “And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them.” The Book of the Bee identifies this child as Ignatius, who later became the bishop of Antioch (Chapter 48). Different religious groups include different books within their canons, in different orders, and sometimes divide or combine books, or incorporate additional material into canonical books. Exodus 2.10 tells us that when Moses was floating helplessly in a basket on the Nile, he was rescued by the pharaoh’s daughter while she was bathing. He wanted to always do things the right way. the book containing his oracles, which are chiefly concerned with the approaching judgment by God upon the sinners of Judah. When Paul became a Christian, he did remarkable things for the kingdom. But, God is in the miracle business. True, he did miss the Promised Land because of his disobedience to God (Numbers 20:8-12), but I know I would not have lasted longer than 1 year with them. The Bible does not provide us with the names of many characters mentioned in it. In an ancient work called the Book of the Bee (c. AD 1200), all 12 names are listed. Additional reading: Inspiring Bible stories about Davideval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'whatchristianswanttoknow_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',119,'0','0'])); Job is probably my favorite character of the Bible. He was very strong and persevered through extremely difficult times. Although her name is mentioned in several texts outside the Bible, these different sources are consistent with each other. Tell your neighbor the truth. Unfortunately, in this written format, we do not know the meaning at times of the writer, but what prompted this discussion, on my part, was this last statement in your article: “I encourage you to take some time to reflect on some of the characters that have influenced you and model yourself after them. The bad thief does not want to let the family go. “Deliver me from sinking in the mire; let me be delivered from my enemies and from the deep waters. eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'whatchristianswanttoknow_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_11',115,'0','0']));Abraham and Sarah were without children and they were old. (Daniel chapter 3)  We can all be inspired that even in the most dire of circumstances, God can do anything!eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'whatchristianswanttoknow_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',120,'0','0'])); Paul, formerly known as Saul, was a huge persecutor of Christians. “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us"- Augustine, Copyright © 2010-2020 Telling Ministries LLC. The names of the guards are not disclosed by Matthew. The only One on your list that we should be modeling ourselves after is Jesus. They do inspire me because they were human and in many cases failed miserably, yet God used them. rape a married woman and send her husband to his death. Download, print, fold in half, and save each card. He is currently studying archaeology (University of Leicester) and has a strong passion about the Human Past. In total, we have more than 100 names recorded. He wrote 13 books of the New Testament! In the next verse, however, the Book of the Bee presents another version about the guards: “But others say they were fifteen, three centurions and their Roman and Jewish soldiers.”. Her identity is provided by an ancient book known as the Coptic text on Christ’s resurrection, where we read that the widow was named Lia or Leah. Neither version of the story discloses the women’s names. His favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:31 - "What then shall we say to these things? But this time, the woman is presented as Syrophenician. In John 19, when the Roman soldiers attempted to break the legs of Jesus while He was hanging on the cross, they noticed that He was already dead. Here is a look at 10 inspirational characters from the Bible! SORT BY. He constantly threw them in jail or had them killed. of bagpipes could be heard in the distance. When you lie to others, you end up lying to yourself. These books have more to do with the imaginations of their authors than actual historical accuracy.