Making equality between women and men a reality for all Europeans and beyond, Data collection on violence against women, Analysis of EU directives from a gendered perspective, Risk assessment and risk management by police, Principle 2: Adopting a victim-centred approach, Principle 3: Taking a gender-specific approach, Principle 4: Adopting an intersectional approach, Principle 5: Considering children’s experiences, Step 1: Define the purpose and objectives of police risk assessment, Step 2: Identify the most appropriate approach to police risk assessment, Step 3: Identify the most relevant risk factors for police risk assessment, Step 4: Implement systematic police training and capacity development, Step 5: Embed police risk assessment in a multiagency framework, Step 6: Develop procedures for information management and confidentiality, Step 7: Monitor and evaluate risk assessment practices and outcomes, Risk management principles and recommendations, Principle 1. The Belgian social criminal code: an English translation by IRIS│international research institute on social fraud. Criminal Code of the Kingdom of Belgium (1867, as of 2018) (French version) Criminal Procedure Code of the Kingdom of Belgium (1808, amended 2019) (French version) Bosnia and Herzegovina. (...). Section: Female Genital Mutilation. Creating accountability and strengthening commitment, 10. Gedimino pr. He who subjects a person to degrading treatment, will be punished with a sentence of fifteen days to five year or with a fine of 50 EUR to 300 EUR or with one of these punishments individually. Who is involved in a Gender Equality Plan? Establishing a gender information management system, 11. Opening up the…, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. Delivering a coordinated, multiagency response, Strategic framework on violence against women 2015-2018, Legal Definitions in the EU Member States, EIGE's publications on gender-based violence, Economic Benefits of Gender Equality in the EU, Step-by-step guide to Gender Equality Training, 2. He who subjects a person to torture, will be punished with a confinement of ten to fifteen year. He who subjects a person to inhuman treatment, will be punished with a confinement of ten to fifteen year. The Belgian social criminal code: an English translation by IRIS│international research institute on social fraud @inproceedings{Coninck2013TheBS, title={The Belgian social criminal code: an English translation by IRIS│international research institute on social fraud}, author={Marlies De Coninck and Dirk Gillis and Yves Jorens}, year={2013} } The Belgian Penal Code Country: Belgium. By Marlies De Coninck, Dirk Gillis and Yves Jorens. Step 6: What comes after the Gender Equality Plan? The Belgian judiciary is referred to as the courts and tribunals (Dutch: hoven en rechtbanken, French: cours et tribunaux, German: Gerichtshöfe und Gerichte) in official texts, such as the Belgian Constitution. De Coninck, Marlies, Gillis, D., & Jorens, Y. Article 417bis (inserted by article 5 of the law of 14 June 2002; in force 24/08/2002). The Belgian social criminal code: an English translation by IRIS│international research institute on social fraud . Do you have any questions regarding the use of the Academic Bibliography. Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2018) (English version) Belgium. © 2020 European Institute for Gender Equality. Article 417ter (inserted by article 5 of the law of 14 June 2002; in force 24/08/2002). Fundamental rights define minimum standards to ensure everyone is treated with dignity. Rationale for gender equality in research, A practice to award and ensure greater visibility for women researchers, Age limit extension in calls for female researchers with children under 10, Compulsory awareness-raising session for B.A. Our research institute therefore considered it an important task to make the Belgian social criminal legal framework accessible to a broader public by making an English translation of the Social Criminal Code. Request. When the Social Criminal Code was implemented in June 2010, these provisions were made into a new, coherent system, meant to improve the readability of social criminal law, consequently precluding errors and legal uncertainties. Identifying and developing possible work-life balance interventions, Step 4. Integrate initiatives to broader strategy, 7. Die Verfassung Belgiens (external link) (Belgium Senate) in German WIPO Lex: Belgian Constitution (external link) (World Intellectual Property Organization) International Constitutional Law: Belgium (external link) (Universität Bern Institut für Öffentliches Recht) offers English translation and Background Note Belgium Criminal Code of the Kingdom of Belgium (1867, as of 2018) (French version) Criminal Procedure Code of the Kingdom of Belgium (1808, amended 2019) (French version) De Coninck, Marlies, Dirk Gillis, and Yves Jorens. Today, knowledge of social criminal law is key not only nationally speaking, but more and more in a cross-border, European context as well. De Coninck M, Gillis D, Jorens Y. Abstract . Request. the Open University Gender budgeting as a way of complying with EU legal requirements, Gender budgeting as a way of promoting accountability and transparency, Gender budgeting as a way of increasing participation in budget processes, Gender budgeting as a way of advancing gender equality. (...). The Belgian legal system is based on five codes: the Code civil, Code de commerce, Code pénal, Code d'instruction criminelle (criminal procedure) and Code judiciaire (civil procedure). © European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2007-2020, Irregular migration, return and immigration detention, EU Framework for the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, EU CRPD Framework - contribution to EU review process, Civil society and the Fundamental Rights Platform, NHRIs, Equality Bodies and Ombudsperson Institutions, UN, OSCE and other international organisations, From institutions to community living for persons with disabilities: perspectives from the ground, Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey – Main results, Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Muslims, Together in the EU: Promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants, Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Roma, Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of professionals: Press pack, Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of hate crime, discrimination and antisemitism, Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of children, Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation, Data protection, privacy and new technologies, Support for human rights systems and defenders, EU Fundamental Rights Information System - EFRIS, Promising practices: equality data collection, Article 4 - Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Justice, victims rights and judicial cooperation. The information was last updated in 2013 and may have changed since. Discover our research outputs and cite our work. and Jisc. Our research institute therefore considered it an important task to make the Belgian social criminal legal framework accessible to a broader public by making an English translation of the Social Criminal Code. Resource. Leye, Els; Sabbe, Alexia (Responding to female genital mutilation in Belgium: Striking the right balance between prosecution and prevention), Website Intact EIGE’s online cooperation and consultation hub. For decades, provisions of Belgian social criminal law were scattered among various pieces of social legislation. Topics: Health, Violence. (...). For decades, provisions of Belgian social criminal law were scattered among various pieces of social legislation. students, Encouraging gender equality activities at the grassroots level across the university, Family-leave without consequences for the academic career, Gender certification: a road to change? The Belgian judiciary is referred to as the courts and tribunals (Dutch: hoven en rechtbanken, French: cours et tribunaux, German: Gerichtshöfe und Gerichte) in official texts, such as the Belgian Constitution. Article 417bis (inserted by article 5 of the law of 14 June 2002; in force 24/08/2002). Launching gender equality action plans, 13. Introducing an individualised approach to risk management, Principle 3. (2013). The information was last updated in 2013 and may have changed since. What happens when you violate sexist expectations? Section: Female Genital Mutilation. Article 417quinquies (inserted by article 5 of the law of 14 June 2002; in force 24/08/2002). Please use this url to cite or link to this publication: How gender-sensitive are parliaments in the EU? Today, knowledge of social criminal law is key not only nationally speaking, but more and more in a cross-border, European context as well. Actively participate in the initiative, Designing effective Gender Equality Training, Good Practices on Gender Equality Training, More resources on Gender Equality Training, More on EIGE's work on Gender Equality Training, Step 5: Findings and proposals for improvement, Institutional transformation and gender: Key points, Gender mainstreaming and institutional transformation, Dimensions of gender mainstreaming in institutions: The SPO model, Why focus on Institutional Transformation, 1. Find out more about the Agency and its work here. We help promote and protect these rights. Why is gender budgeting important in the EU Funds? Project development and application, Tool 10: Integrating a gender perspective in monitoring and evaluation processes, Steps to integrate a gender perspective in M&E processes, Tool 11: Reporting on resource spending for gender equality in the EU Funds, Tracking expenditures for gender equality, EIGE’s publications on Gender mainstreaming, Cooperation with EU candidate countries and potential candidates, Organising an event in EIGE's entry point, First steps towards more inclusive language, Key principles for inclusive language use, Avoid gendered pronouns (he or she) when the person’s gender is unknown, Avoid irrelevant information about gender, Avoid gendered stereotypes as descriptive terms, Using different adjectives for women and men, Do not use ‘he’ to refer to unknown people, Do not use gender-biased nouns to refer to groups of people, Greetings and other forms of inclusive communication, Solutions for how to use gender-sensitive language, The argument for work-life balance measures, Step-by-step approach to building a compelling business case, Step 1: Identify national work-life balance initiatives and partners, Step 2: Identify potential resistance and find solutions, Step 3: Maximise buy-in from stakeholders, Step 4: Design a solid implementation plan, Step 6: Highlight benefits and celebrate early wins, Toolbox for planning work-life balance measures in ICT companies.