★☆ I hope you come back! I do not enjoy the hormonal roller coaster ride my sympathetic nervous system gives me after I eat a hot grain for breakfast. In fact, they eat lots of things in soup form—even breakfast! Pro tip- if you buy fresh parsley once, chop it all up and freeze in ice cube trays with a little oil or broth. Especially for those who do not have an hour in the morning to brew a soup! Hi Archer, July 9th, 2015 at 12:55 am. However, it’s a good idea to rotate your diet and not eat the same foods everyday. This breakfast will be in regular rotation, come what may! I shared this Sausage and White Bean Soup on Instagram over the weekend and tons of people asked for the recipe. Enter your email to send new articles directly to your inbox: freshly sliced avocado atop lightly toasted bread, drizzled with olive oil and sea salt, 3 different bars, each offering a quick 7g protein snack, Your Husband Can’t Be What Your Dad Wasn’t, useful for PMS, low progesterone, endometriosis, infertility, and more, archerfriendly © 2020 All Rights Reserved, This error message is only visible to WordPress admins. Thanks so much for your recipe. Ingredients: Red Beans Carrot Parsley Root Parsley Leaves Chillies Onion Olive Oil Flour Spices: Rock..a lot of vegan red beans and rice lately, though when we're pressed for time, they're sometimes made from canned beans or-gasp-directly from a can. Jeanne I focus on what I can do and eat and how lucky I am instead of what I can’t or don’t. I am blessed to know that you are doing well! I’m hoping to post more recipes like this once my board exams are done. Do I even need to write that it’s healthy? :) I still think stevia is pretty cool actually. As a naturopathic physician, I inspire people to find healing in all aspects of their life: body, mind, and spirit. While I’ll eat this soup as is, my kids are often turned off by thick chunks of tomatoes, onions and any identifiable beans. Hello Archer. 1 cup diced red bell pepper So simple and easy to throw together! I was really excited to learn about it and even grew a plant and dried some leaves. Coincidence? In a hurry, I just eat straight-up mung bean soup with stevia. It’s ok though, just leave them out on the counter. I think the hardest allowance is to locate the best ingredients hence you can enjoy the savory Vegan Italian Red Bean Soup for your breakfast with your connections or family. The whole family ate it that way! Thanks for reading! I love my hot steel cut oats, but I’m going to give this a try for fun. So that’s my two cents worth. just made your soup for the first day, and I love it. I love your photos! I have given up eating alot of suger and that ahs really helped. The mung beans cook up soft like a grain, with a mild flavor, and swim in a rich coconut milk base. If you have questions or requests in this area this article, entertain way in us as soon as possible. See what I mean? Photo about nobody, background, bowl, appetizer, bread, cooked, cuisine - 185665864 3/4 cup diced onion Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Keep in mind that soups are one of the most forgiving things you can make. It is my five star replacement for a hot grain breakfast. Had I not discovered mung bean breakfast soup, I don’t know what I would have done. They prefer a pureed consistency which is easy enough to do. July 15th, 2012 at 11:15 pm. Turn heat down and simmer on low for about 30 minutes.