In this case, we skipped them because it thins our deck of lands. With fifteen cards in our ramp category the probability of having two or more ramp cards in our hand by turn three will be 67% or two out of three games. Without playing lands consistently this deck loses some speed. Most people do not mind if you are using a placeholder in place of the actual card, especially if it is expensive. If we feel the game is going to be long, then you can fetch True Conviction to buff your creatures for several turns of life gain and first strike. Avacyn, Angel of Hope EDH by Qupidd. These cards might not be the strongest cards but they synergize with a deck and bring something unique to the build. The flying is redundant for most of the cards although the power boost will help buff up a creature and break stalemate if it occurs. Grafted Exoskeleton is another variant of a win condition. As with all Commander Clinic Deck Techs, we point out three key cards in the deck that helps make the deck run efficiently. One direct hit and a player is removed from the game. Lyra Dawnbringer adds lifelink, an angel buff, first strike and flying. The faster you can ramp the faster you can play her allowing you to build board superiority. In this case, it reduces the chance of you being able to play a land per turn. All you need is one player not to have a blocker and this card attached to Avacyn puts you in a commanding position to win the game. If you can cast an Armored Ascension or soul bond her to Silverblade Paladin before attaching the cloak to her you can reduce the clock to two turns. From experience, I can say Avacyn can overcome these drawbacks. I had a two land hand and drew into the 3rd. White was the only color that when included in a deck reduced its chances to win a game. If we can’t do that then we want to set up defenses. Akroma’s Memorial may be worth including over Master Tactician to add haste and trample to the deck. Format: Commander Lunarch Marshal can assure all your creatures have some extra keywords. MTGGoldfish, Inc. is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast LLC. We include enough ramp cards so that using the free mulligan our chances of having at least one mana rock in hand is over one. This deck utilizes two of them, although they are combat-based. There needs to be less of a priority on it. Short of an opponent having a Teferi’s Protection your opponents will often concede the game. This build includes several different pet cards. Early in the game, we want to mana ramp. Don't Talk to Me or My Enchantments Ever Again. It would be wonderful if we had enough room to include fifteen board wipes plus additional individual removal. This will allow you to play it in multiple decks without constantly having to switch cards in and out from each deck. This is what makes the deck run and will help it overcome the deficiencies the deck has. It may feel like you are gaining card advantage but you are really not as you are drawing a card you already had on the battlefield the following turn. It was eventually removed. These give some shuffle opportunities to shuffle away cards we don’t want when we activate them. These are “pet” cards. The disk destroys itself. Browse > Avacyn, Angel of Hope Budget EDH This deck is not legal due to the following reasons: Deck contains banned cards: ["Iona, Shield of Emeria"]. This limits our card loss creating a card advantage. They also provide a new play experience and help keep the format fresh. At MTGGoldfish, we value your privacy. Luckily, Emeria Shepherd does not see enough play in commander decks. Cards that create tokens in mass are not bad choices for the deck as long as we sprinkle them in for taste. In some cases, it may be an advantage. As always you can find the deck on Arkidect here. If we can not draw cards then we will limit the advantage our opponent gains by drawing additional cards. Again you will be suiting up Avacyn. Then we use the Scroll Rack to draw three cards putting the three cards we fetched on top of the Library. Failed to subscribe, please contact admin. See our privacy policy. Every turn we can put up to three lands in our hand. The +2/+1 is not all that effective of a boost but Dowsing Dagger is not in the deck to buff your creatures long term. Griselbrand is banned in EDH. We do this by playing multiple removal spells in a game. Again, white is reliant on artifacts in order to draw cards or search up the cards it needs. If we draw it early we can fetch another mana rock to bring Avacyn out faster. This is primarily for board stalls. EDHREC has Worldslayer in the top four of high synergy cards. All these cards would be upgrades over the “pet” cards used in this build bringing the deck to a nine in power. If they have indestructible creatures, then this will take them out. Fetch lands are a disadvantage. Often having less land than an opponent is not that difficult to achieve as long as we are not going first in the game. Every deck builder seasons a deck just a little bit different with the card choices they include in a deck. All original content on this page is © 2012-2020 MTGGoldfish, Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without consent. The Exoskeleton gives Avacyn +2/+2 and infect making her a 10/10 infect creature. Approach of the Second Sun was an alternate win condition. This is effective for opponents that have gained a ton of life and it will take a long time to get their life total to zero. 1 Avacyn, Angel of Hope. This opens up our ability to attack with little risk of crackback. The other downside of white is its lack of options in drawing cards. We want exile cards, but we want them to be single target removal. See our privacy policy. Use the options below to exercise this right, and please review our privacy policy for complete information on how your data is used and stored. As a commander addict, I would love to have a conversation about anything commander. Use the options below to exercise this right, and please review our privacy policy for complete information on how your data is used and stored. Instead of increasing the probability of drawing a specific card we will load the deck up with a critical mass of a card effect we want to increase our chances of drawing it on limited draws. I Agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. This deck is not legal due to the following reasons: The deck will be not publicly searchable until the above errors are fixed. Master Tactician breaks parity and can kill an opponent. It can get quite expensive. A priority is placed on first strike as an additional deterrent. The rest of the card draw are corner case scenarios that ask to be put in a deck that is tailored for its ability. My personal information may be used for the purposes defined in the privacy policy. When building any Avacyn deck that you don’t want to go cheap on investing in the mana ramp. Every deck should have an alternate win condition. Today we look at a commander from the Innistrad Block. The Commander community got this one correct if not a little low on how efficient it is. MTGGoldfish, Inc. is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast LLC. The cards we selected for this deck leaned heavily towards card quality over card draw. The Top will let you dig three cards deep to help you draw the cards you need when you need it. then when we activate Land Tax the following turn we shuffle our library randomizing the top of our deck again. Avacyn, Angel of Hope. Format: Commander. It also has flying so in a pinch you can use her to block. First is white’s inability to mana ramp as quickly as other colors. While stronger than Serra Angel for five mana, an extra instance of vigilance is acceptable.Odric Master Tactician and Lunarch Marshal are two strong non-flying includes that can replace the Paladins. 10 Planeswalkers to Consider for your Superfriends deck, Prophet of Kruphix and What it Means Today, Standard Commander: Syr Gwynn Snipes Opponents, Cleaning up the Details and Mana Base: Kumena Deckbuilding Final, The Skeleton Takes On Flesh: Kumena Deckbuilding Part 2, Examples of Deck Building Part 1: The Skeletal Structure of a Deck. Deck Date: Jan 24, 2017. However, the card becomes a significant value when you add on the rest of her text box. It also gives you a hand of eight cards instead of seven. Avacyn. Maindeck 99. In spite of this, eight mana is still expensive to cast. I played 8-and-a-half Tails, Oriss, Samite Master, a Daru Spiritualist and had both Emeria and Mistveil Plains in play. So you will have to draw them at some point The deck does have several shuffle effects in Buried Ruin, Enlightened Tutor, Eternal Dragon, Expedition Map, Journeyer’s Kite, Land Tax, Stoneforge Mystic, Wayfarer’s Bauble and Weathered Wayfarer. I Agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Both cost three mana and can help get the deck off to an early defense after mana rocks are cast. You continually place -1/-1 counters on them. Home Articles The Spirit of EDH – Avacyn, Wrathful Archangel. Board wipe play answers and win. If opponents know that mono-white is at a disadvantage they may incorrectly threat assess and leave you alone early. Visual View Stream Popout Edit Edit Copy Download Registration PDF Export to Arena Set as Current Tabletop; The next turn you wipe the board again clearing away any cards your opponents have played. Avacyn is also a monowhite commander. Calculating the deck price based on your collection ... All emails include an unsubscribe link. But that would be a little too intensive when we couple it with our mana ramp category. It turns into a game of archenemy. Format: Commander User Submitted Deck Deck Date: Apr 25, 2020 Archetype: Avacyn, Angel of Hope. All original content on this page is © 2012-2020 MTGGoldfish, Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without consent. This limits your card pool. 44.62 tix 5 Mythic, 37 Rare, 18 Uncommon, 6 Common. At MTGGoldfish, we value your privacy. Scroll Rack does not draw cards either. We start with card draw. Then when it is not safe we can attack with our commander to help reduce our opponents’ creature total on the board. It is a very fun deck and Avacyn, Angel of Hope is a great commander to play. Please take a moment to review them and accept to continue. There will be times where your opponents are able to wipe your board or you have to use your creatures to block early. Because of this, speed is going to be critical. As such, we're letting you know that we've updated our Privacy Policy to reflect the new rule set forth by the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This gives us another land to assure that we do not miss a land drop. Blue can steal creatures and copy them. Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, and their logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. We've updated our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Then you can keep your creatures back as defenders and swing away with her to take out the opponent that has shut down your swarm strategy.