It also goes by quickly, so there is less room for error. It's a pretty bad and wasted mechanic if you really need to try hard to get it to work... Multi counter kills sounds like something that should flow naturally but the prerequisites to do them take away all the fun imo. Walkthrough . Except what Namresaw33 told you is for regular multi kills not counter multi kills. A quick cutscene is followed by Lucy launching a number of attacks. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike unless otherwise noted. Lucy Thorne is difficult to kill with optional objectives, so here's a method that might work best for you! “Your Possible Pasts”: A Fan’s Retrospective on the Assassin’s Creed Series, Assassin's Creed: Syndicate: Jack the Ripper story trailer revealed, Black "Frye" Day sales: Up to 50% off Ubisoft Merch for AC, Far Cry, and Watch_Dogs. AC Syndicate "A Room With a View" challenge, (counter all Lucys strikes) - Duration: 2:26. Others... not so much. The Industrial Revolution. That will require less backtracking on your part. Select another, drop it on her, and unload more of your items. In case of trouble consider repeating this mission later, when you will deal more damage and you will be able to shorten the battle. Create an opening using a counter attack and then unload your gun on her. If she does, dodge and then start attacking. It's difficult to pull off and that is entirely the fault of the programmers, who failed to give a better indicator on when to actually counter. If for whatever reason she's not dead after two smoke bomb attacks, use a third one and continue attacking. He's always after me lucky charms!". One of the ones that gave me the most trouble was trying to beat Lucy Thorne at St. Paul's cathedral while countering all her attacks (which in turn meant taking no damage). Keep turning the cogs until the symbols match up. One thing to remember is that the stunned(guys vulnerable to execute) guys have to have white around them to be counted in the kill. Upon reducing Lucy's health to about half, she'll grab you and engage in a special scene where all you can do is counterattack. Inspect the artifact to start a boss fight with Lucy Thorne. "Counter all of Lucy's strike" is a mission objective in Sequence 5 / Memory: A Room With A View. I remember thinking they were so cool in AC3 and then for some reason they became a lot less common in Black Flag (I only ever got a small handful in that game). Others... not so much. For example, start from the top and work your way down or start from the bottom and work your way up. Throughout the fight you will need counter the strikes from Lucy. Leprechaun - "Blasted Nemesis! Create an opening using a counter attack and then unload your gun on her. I'm sure many other people had problems as well, especially if they were at lower levels. After destroying Lucy with your gear and, hilariously, never giving her a chance to attack you back, Evie will tackle her through the window in a cutscene and the fight will end. Yeah. Phase 3 . Did you use a different method that worked better for you? You can either buy these from the shop, or kill a whole bunch of guards and loot their bodies for the items. This consists of a simple cutscene where Lucy Thorne gets away. That's why you stocked up on them earlier! So you've made it through the rest of the memory and now you've come to the point where you have to counter all of her attacks. Now is the time to use them. Some of the optional objectives in Assassin's Creed Syndicate are a breeze. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate - Counter Lucy's Strikes - YouTube Perform a Leap of Faith in a haystack while on a zipline; Counter all of Lucy's strike Optional Objectives . It doesn't matter too much as long as you're completely stocked up. You don't have to upgrade your gear, but it will make your life somewhat easier. This page contains the 100% Synchronization Walkthrough for Sequence 05 of Assassin's Creed Syndicate. This includes damage increasing the number of ammo and throwing knives you can carry (highlighted in the bright red in the above picture). - Best Remote Learning School, For Kids Age 5-14. If you're anything like me this part may take a couple of tries, but, if you fail and get spotted, you can open up the menu and restart the checkpoint to start off just about where you left off before being spotted. However, at lower levels, this method will take a long time. Also, make sure to work from one direction to the other. How do you access The Dreadful Crimes DLC. So if there are 3 guys and only 2 have white around them when you hit square, it'll register as a double kill. One of the ones that gave me the most trouble was trying to beat Lucy Thorne at St. Paul's cathedral while countering all her attacks (which in turn meant taking no damage). Remember those items you stocked up on? If you run out of throwing knives and pistol ammo, feel free to melee attack her. YES NO. Upon starting the memory (memory 7 of sequence 5 if you are using chapter select), you'll have to sneak past some guards, solve a simple puzzle, and then climb up the cathedral to get to Lucy. This page was last modified on 18 January 2016, at 15:51. DOOM ETERNAL - How Doomguy Became So Strong (All … Did my method help you take down Lucy Thorne while countering all of her attacks? Upon watching the guards, you'll find an opening. I'm sure many other people had problems as well, especially if they were at lower levels. It is possible to fight Lucy legitimately and counter her attacks manually with proper timing and by hitting the right button. Immediately move in and start attacking Lucy Thorne. I didn't even realize they still had multi counter kills. If this is the case, you're going to want to repeat what you did with the first smoke bomb. If your items aren't upgraded high enough, one round won't kill her and the last cutscene won't start. Side Objective: Counter all of Lucy's strikes It's no secret that of the twins, Evie's not the best brawler, which can make this match a pain. This guide is here to help. This is part of a challenge; don't mash the counter button but press it once, when her health bar glows yellow. You can fight Lucy with the basic stats with the method detailed below, but it will most likely take you longer and require more tries. If you need to switch items (throwing knives to pistols or pistols to throwing knives), feel free to do so. Evie has an extremely low attack and this will make it even more difficult to succeed because you will have to counter continuously. The worst challenge I have ever seen in any videogame, Just started, finished unity, few questions(spoilers). The most tricky part of this fight is to counter all of Lucy's attacks during a special attack sequence. This guide is here to help. Why do you stop gaining xp for doing something after you unlock the perk? Completing this sequence will unlock the "The Perils of Business" Trophy / Achievement. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. It can be tough getting them on the street because rook members just butt in and kill them all. Ninety-nine little bugs in the code,Ninety-nine little bugs.Take one down, patch it around. Upon starting the fight, grab one of your smoke bombs and unleash it on her. Don't attack constantly, Lucy can block your combo and perform a sudden counter. 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However, since it requires perfect timing, chances are you won't make it on your first try and will have to restart the checkpoint anyway. London, 1868. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. There are many different ways to beat Lucy, but this is the way I found easiest. Unless you are extremely skilled or are at a really high level, it is not recommended to fight her in such a way. For Assassin's Creed Syndicate on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Multi Counter Kills". If you followed the above steps correctly, Lucy will have so little health that you will skip the middle scene altogether. The most tricky part of this fight is to counter all of Lucy's attacks during a special attack sequence. In This Wiki Guide. Upon first glance, this may seem extremely difficult because your timing has to be perfect, but it's really not that bad. Monitor the guards, or use Eagle Vision to track them, and then perform a leap of faith from the building next to the haystack. Evie needs to counter. Perform a leap of faith in a haystack while on a zipline Counter all of Lucy's strikes: Lady Melyne's Gown: Was this guide helpful? You can try to counterattack her and keep up with the optional objective. You must remain anonymous to interact with the base of the monument, so don't rush ahead just yet! Some of the optional objectives in Assassin's Creed Syndicate are a breeze. If for whatever reason you do get stuck in the middle scene, you're better off just restarting the checkpoint and trying again with the steps outlined above. It may take you a couple of tries, but if you pay attention, it won't be that bad. You've gotten your optional objective! We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Lucy will then attack with her knife. If you're having trouble finding a symbol you need, make sure it's not hidden under one of the thick metal pieces that jut out from the sides. This includes smoke bombs, bullets, and throwing knives. If you take too long she will start attacking you. Counter all of Lucy's strikes - most of all focus on blocking enemy attacks, perform your own only if you're sure it's safe. Throughout the fight, Evie needs to counter each of the strikes that Lucy Throne. I thought it was removed from the series entirely at this point. The positioning of the haystack and the building in which you should jump from is pictured above. "Assassinate Lucy Thorne" is a mission objective in Sequence 5 / Memory: A Room With A View.