We’ve only been able to test the game running on PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, as well as Xbox One S, and I’m happy to say that if you won’t be upgrading to the new machines this year, you’ll still get an amazing Assassin’s Creed game. Unless you’re doing a raid with your posse, that is, in which case there’s no room to be friendly – it’s warfare in these moments, and it’s brutal with heads flying off, shrieking soldiers running around on fire, and poor civilians who flee as their homes are burnt and their goods robbed. A brave young warrior fights to save his homeland. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is a return to form for the series, and as a player who was left feeling a little alienated by the heavy RPG aspects of Origins and, even more so, Odyssey, Valhalla feels like a welcoming party – a feast for lapsed players, while still remaining deep enough for RPG fans. Animations can be wonky and characters can often clip through the environment or even other characters. It’s far more mature than previous games, mind you, with heads and limbs flying freely by the will of your weapon. I don’t want to give anything away because there are some proper “holy shit” moments during the game, especially towards the end, but as I’ve already said – if you felt left behind by the previous games ditching the Assassin vs Templar conflict to play at being an RPG, you’ll enjoy Valhalla a lot more. Eagle vision returns, this time as Odin Sight, to help highlight enemies, goals, and points of interest. Fast travel is an absolute necessity in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey after a while, thanks to the sheer scale … Characters look better than ever before, but there’s certainly a sense that something has been held back for a full showing on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. It means you won’t simply get cool abilities by naturally playing through the game, but instead, you’ll have to actively hunt down the books to earn your special moves. The side quests this time are mostly one-and-done events, rather than multi-hour endeavours with cross-country treks. I believe you want to get near the top of the location and look for a wooden wedge shaped ledge that an eagle will probably fly away from as you approach. The location of Bil’s comb in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is in the freezing water. The bird-flying mechanic from the last couple of games returns, too, but with a crow taking the place of Ubisoft’s unofficial mascot, the eagle. During the normal run of play, it’s there but it’s not very harsh. U have to be jumping off a high place toward a haystack. The Assassin’s are introduced early on as allies of Eivor and his Raven clan, as well as their sworn enemies – the Templars. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. There are multiple branching paths allowing you to upgrade in line with your playstyle. A few bugs, glitches, and occasional crashes. It is 1715. One of many side quests in the early hours of the game asks you to find a comb for Bil, and here you’ll discover how to quickly complete the Comb of Champions quest so you can woo the flirtatious lady. This is true with the game’s general gameplay and combat, too. From a mechanical perspective, climbing is good with a sense of weight that I appreciated. Congratulations you performed the death defying leap of faith. The light slowly climbs up the buildings and highlights the textures hidden by shadows to reveal wood carvings and patterns that add an extra touch to the world. Yes and they will be clearly highlighted in your map once revealed. It’s all very unified and easy to keep a track of. A true PlayStation know-it-all, Chris has owned just about every Sony console that ever existed. Abilities on the other hand – the ones that you map to your face buttons and activate by pulling the corresponding trigger – have been completely revamped. In other news, Assassin's Creed Valhalla: How to find Bil's comb to complete Comb of Champions, /static/uploads/2020/09/650332_t_1601475065.jpg. We’ve seen a lot worse over the last seven or so years, but we’ve rarely seen better. But Eivor’s story isn’t about the centuries-old conflict between the Assassin’s and the Templars, it’s about finding a place to call home for his people. SKAL! A note from Jason on PS4 Pro performance and graphics: On the PS4 Pro, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla runs very well, but not perfectly. It doesn’t have any profound effect on how the game plays, but it’s nice to have the option. Yet, the stories intertwine and the goals of Eivor and the Assassin’s inevitably meet. You can go full-on Viking and get stuck in with your axes, or you can play cautiously, edging your way around your target, slowly circling in on the objective. On the Xbox One S, I was surprised to see it running as well as it did, but the resolution had taken an obvious tumble to get it there. It’s not perfect, though, and the limitations of the current-generation are clear to see, and honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the last Assassin’s Creed game that’s made for both the old and new consoles. During the cutscenes, however, it can be a big distraction, and that’s a shame to the narrative, especially as you hit key plot points within the story. Bonds are made, bonds are broken, and this is a theme that the game carries through its core as you leave Norway and head to England in search of a new land to call your own. This will result in you following her as she talks about why she plays around with men and how her husband is sadly dead, and you’ll also hear the aforementioned conversation about braiding Eivor’s hair. Dinner is ruined, and Eivor’s path changes forever. Yes, that Asgard. Thanks, you sexy beast. He’s brutal, disgusting, and hilarious, all the while being a menacing figure that I never really trusted. romance options in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Assassin's Creed Valhalla: How to find Bil's comb to complete Comb of Champions, {{#media.media_details}} Unfortunate screen-tearing throughout, more pronounced during cut scenes. Graphically, Ubisoft has lifted Valhalla well above Odyssey.