However, this game is in late alpha and is not yet complete, so it's storyline(developers hint at something involving the implant placed on the player in the start of the game) is not yet easily traceable. The reality is the production model, which takes that concept car and whittles it down for practicality and safety. Next, your child will see profanity and sex themed chat in the server chat, (this is no worse than what there open to at school on on social media.) The touch screen may allow for better control functionality as far as the other consoles go, but it doesn’t make up for the ugly visuals and general instability. If you chose to provide an email address, it will only be used to contact you about your comment. Never EVER submit a request. The final product is the collison between development time, available resources, developer expertise, and current hardware. Other general glitches and bugs that crop up as you play directly compromise your experience, making for bumpy and unpredictable gameplay – not ideal for a survival title. So ark has something called survive the ark and you can punch in a ticket when there has been a game error. If you like to spend everyday on a crappy game just to make sure your base does not get killed by 40 year olds that still live with mommy only making ark there priority. Ark is a colossal time sink and well mapped button layout further accentuates the port’s proficient adaptation of its controls, ensuring maximum comfort as you lose yourself in dino-shenanigans of all kinds. This is a fine way to do this. However, it may not be that fun for anyone just starting out on a public server. This game does have its share of violence. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. I am pretty disappointed with the studio in charge of optimizing this for switch. Whether you face dinos alone or with others, Ark: Survival Evolved reinforces how important planning, spatial awareness, and teamwork are in enduring dangerous situations. Expect more to come including build able flying Dino saddles and possibly a storyline boss. Talk about the impact of media violence in games such as Ark: Survival Evolved. What started out as a game my husband wanted to play turned into a family affair. That means every 3 and a half hours ( give or take ) for the next 11 days you will have to log in or wake up to log in to get a good imprint on this dino. Tuffcub Sales-wise, the new Xbox consoles are off to a good start, at least vaguely so. The Switch Version is an ugly technical mess, and if it does run well the game happens to be unwelcoming and an unfun grind to obtain the actual draw cards to the game. Third-person action-adventure games are his personal poison: Uncharted, Infamous, and Assassin's Creed just to name a few. I play my Switch mostly as a handheld, and ARK has such a low resolution on this mode that it barely feels playable. News, Reviews, and Guides for Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC, and more! Communication, negotiation, and cooperation skills come into play on multiplayer servers. I bought an extra Xbox one a Ethernet cord a new tv and was on the phone getting my Xbox set up to host a server for about a hour. Finally, there is much scientific information about dinosaurs in the dossiers, accessible in game. Performance-wise, ARK is the opposite of a good Switch port. I gave this game to my 8 year old son for his birthday and he loved it! If you're killed, you'll lose all the items on your person unless you return to your body within a certain amount of time. Ark: Survival Evolved may not be for everyone, but for those looking for a challenge, its engaging action and society-building mechanics will keep you entertained for a long time. So it can be brutal, but not gory. All Rights Reserved. ARK: Survival Evolved is hard to recommend on two fronts. Both titles have their definite fans on the platform, mostly for the portability, but I tend to wonder when "optimization" goes too far. The PC version might be the GT model with all of the luxury extras, the Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro versions are sporty tuned coupes, and the base systems are the basic sedan. Ark: Survival is the most violent game she's allowed to play. See something that needs to be addressed? I am pretty strict about what games my 12 year old plays, and don't care for the level of violence in games today. Families can talk about teamwork and communication. Gameplay is slow and requires patience, dedication, and planning, but working with other players will speed up progress, allowing for development of larger compounds and earlier levels. Just have fun. For parents, You may see a change in your childs behavoir because unlike call of duty, its always going and something can always happen wether your on or not. Set in a lush world of dinosaurs, this action-packed title pushes the limits of a survival game. The development version of a game is the concept car, using the best technology and the most innovative styling to showcase an upcoming product. There is beer, but it's really only used for taming a specific animal. 4.3 out of 5 stars. I looked at Doom and Wolfenstein II on Switch, but ultimately decided that I wasn't going to compromise either experience to play portably. She loves dinosaurs, loves the crafting and building, harvesting and exploring.