PS4 Review - 'Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory', Switch Review - 'Wintermoor Tactics Club', PS4 Review - 'Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales', PC Review - 'Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered', Switch/PS4/XOne/PC Preview - 'Black Legend', Switch/PS4/PS5/XOne/XSX/PC Preview - 'Immortals Fenyx Rising'. Start a tribe with hundreds of other players to survive and dominate competing tribes...and ultimately discover the ARK’s true purpose. Derek Draven Jul 20, 2020 TheGamer Originals On June 2, 2015, ARK: Survival Evolved launched onto Steam’s Early Access program and since that time has amassed more than 30 million players across all platforms! Mijn pc ging ervan roken. ARK: Survival Evolved is hard to recommend on two fronts. The ARK party starts NOW! Ark Survival Evolved has received Update 2.14. De port zelf word kennelijk gedaan via abstract games volgens dit artikel. In every available biome -- Jungle, Snow, Swamp, Redwood, and Desert -- you’ll be able to fly an armed Pteranodon squadron over the snow-capped mountains, race through a thick jungle with your pack of trained Raptors, tromp through a fortified enemy base with a convoy of gigantic Brontosaurus, or chase down prey on the back of a raging T-Rex. Throughout the adventure you must hunt to survive, create various objects, improve your technology, build shelters, and much more. The Switch Version is an ugly technical mess, and if it does run well the game happens to be unwelcoming and an unfun grind to obtain the actual draw cards to the game. Hi! This weekend is filled with dino fun! Crystal Isles will be available for free on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One this fall. Fixed 2 mesh exploit related to creatures. Facebook Het is niet duidelijk op welke manier de partijen deze titel nu geschikt hebben gemaakt voor een soepele gameplayervaring op Nintendo's console. De game, waarin het draait om overleven op een prehistorisch eiland vol dinosaurussen, is al beschikbaar voor Windows, Linux, OS X, PS4 en Xbox One. PS4 Review - 'Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory', Switch Review - 'Wintermoor Tactics Club', PS4 Review - 'Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales', PC Review - 'Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered', Switch/PS4/XOne/PC Preview - 'Black Legend', Switch/PS4/PS5/XOne/XSX/PC Preview - 'Immortals Fenyx Rising'. DPG Online Services B.V. As a big Dinosaur fan, both issues disappoint me so much. Anybody out there has it and doesn't regret buying it? Wat een ellende, en dit komt naar de switch....hoe in hemelsnaam? Consolefabrikanten moeten ontwikkelaars gewoon verplichten minimaal 30 FPS te garanderen anders gewoon niet uitbrengen. Start a tribe with hundreds of other players to survive and dominate competing tribes...and ultimately discover the ARK’s true purpose. Fixed 2 mesh exploits related to structures. As an Amazon Associate, we earn commission from qualifying purchases. 20 You can now download this patch on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Het zou mij niets verbazen als ARK beter gaat draaien op Switch dan PS4 & XB1. 'Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy' (ALL)... 'Poison Control' (ALL) Gets Release Date, Shows Off... TUBI Now Available on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. 'Grand Theft Auto Online' (ALL) Adds The Heist Challenge,... Nintendo Download (ALL) Thursday, November 12, 2020. Nu nog eens opgestart met de nieuwe pc en ik ben alweer een uurtje settings aan het veranderen om de boel enigzins goed te laten lopen. PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel! Ik verwacht weinig, als je met de Geforce GTX 1080 op 1920x1080 Ultra setting maar 30fps krijg, zal dat op. Ik heb een poos geleden ARK via de Windows Store aangeschaft, in de veronderstelling dat je het split-screen kon spelen. This year's Extra Life event kicks off on November 7th at 10 AM PST! Hosting door True. All this while exploring a gigantic island full of dinosaurs, which is emerging as one of its greatest attractions. The brand new map contains 150 square kilometers of colorful scenery and awe-inspiring biomes teeming with life. Nationale Vacaturebank, Community Crunch 241: Fear Evolved 4, Live Tuning System, Network Improvements, and More! Misschien gaat het dan wat beter. As an Amazon Associate, we earn commission from qualifying purchases. 'Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy' (ALL)... 'Poison Control' (ALL) Gets Release Date, Shows Off... TUBI Now Available on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. 'Grand Theft Auto Online' (ALL) Adds The Heist Challenge,... Nintendo Download (ALL) Thursday, November 12, 2020. Ark: Survival Evolved is getting an update for Xbox Series X, and the difference is huge. 0 comments. Use cunning strategy and tactics to tame and ride the many dinosaurs and other primeval creatures roaming the dynamic, persistent ecosystems across land, sea, air, and even underground. Want even more ARK? Today through Thursday, June 18, survivors on all platforms can celebrate the Anniversary Event with Party Dodos, interactive cake, new chibis and surprises, and dazzling unicorns frolicking on rainbows. En ook de beloofde multi gpu support die ze beloofd hadden heeft er welgeteld twee updates lang ingezeten, waarna het weer verwijderd werd. Additionally, ARK’s newest dinosaur Tropeognathus will be released today for players on all platforms (PC, PS4, Xbox One). 'Ark: Survival Evolved' (ALL) Celebrates 5 Year Anniversary With In-Game Event, Expansion Map and More by Rainier on June 11, 2020 @ 8:40 a.m. PDT I remind you that Studio Wildcard and Instinct Games’ Ark Survival Evolved released in August 2017 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, OS X and Linux, with versions for Android, iOS, and Nintendo Switch in 2018. Something that stands out is that they fixed a bug which would sometimes cause the atmospheric fog to break. Het komt alleen wel naar voren als je ernaar googled. Build your bases high in rainforest canopies and mysterious floating islands, then dive deep into undersea caverns in search of resources. Plus, this weekend Studio Wildcard is geared up for Extra Life. Fixed some cases where building structures did not use a bidrectional trace check (allowing certain structures to be placed deep into the mesh). Build your character’s strengths and gain items, skills, and pet creatures using in-depth role-playing systems. ARK: Survival Evolved is available for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC (Steam). 'Ark: Survival Evolved' (ALL) Rolls Out Free Steam Weekend, TLC #3 Update, Extra Life Shenanigans by Rainier on Nov. 6, 2020 @ 12:00 a.m. PST Omdat? In every available biome -- Jungle, Snow, Swamp, Redwood, and Desert -- you’ll be able to fly an armed Pteranodon squadron over the snow-capped mountains, race through a thick jungle with your pack of trained Raptors, tromp through a fortified enemy base with a convoy of gigantic Brontosaurus, or chase down prey on the back of a raging T-Rex. Then Saturday, the highly anticipated TLC Pass #3 drops bringing new visuals and abilities for the Stegosaurus and Woolly Mammoth, along with insect and wyvern breeding! You will find that Ark Survival Evolved Update 2.14 is quite a small patch as it only has a few big fixes and improvements. The game, which has always been at its best on PC, is doing some serious catching up on the next-gen Xbox. Door gebruik te maken van deze website, of door op 'Ga verder' te klikken, geef je toestemming voor het gebruik van cookies. Spelers zullen moeten jagen, verzamelen, craften, telen, bouwen en vechten om de elementen, dinosaurussen en andere spelers te weerstaan. If it does, is it any better now from what it was when it first came out? Studio Wildcard laat weten dat de game ARK: Survival Evolved op 30 november uitkomt op de Nintendo Switch. Ligt er maar net aan wat je aan zet qua graphics. Bijzonder dat het naar de Switch komt.. Maar hopen dat ze beter werk afleveren dan bij de PC versie. This is a survival and open world game. You can find the official patch notes on Steam , the official ARK Forums , or on the official ARK: Survival Evolved Discord . De grootste fout die ze zijn begaan met Ark is het niet doorvoeren van DX12 zoals beloofd. This free update will be available for all ARK players on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Steam and Epic Games Store. Minimum requirements zijn net voldoende voor 30 FPU in plaats van 30 FPS. Intermediair en ”Crystal Isles - ARK Expansion Map” was also added to ARK’s official servers as a free download for PC players. The ARK: Survival Evolved Crystal Isles Expansion Map is a free downloadable update available now on Steam and the Epic Games Store, and will also be available to download on the PS4 and Xbox versions of ARK this Fall. ARK: Survival Evolved staat erom bekend niet altijd heel goed te draaien op beduidend krachtigere hardware dan die van de Nintendo Switch. Players of the action-adventure survival game ‘Ark: Survival Evolved’ are now able to install patch 2.37. Heb het ook voor iOS (iPhone) en speelt toch aardig goed.