I was born at a time when the Australian government knew how many sheep there were but not how many Aboriginal people. In her first speech in the House of Representatives in 2016, Burney said “I was born at a time when a white woman having an Aboriginal baby was shocking – and doubly so if that woman was not married. 'First Speech to the House of Representatives as Member for Barton' by Linda Burney What is it: In this speech, Linda Burney, the first Aboriginal woman to be elected to the House of Representatives, gives her inaugural speech to Parliament in 2016. Linda Burney Henry Parkes Foundation – www.henryparkes.org.au – October 2008 3 …the creation of a new nation at the ballot box by a vote of the people. She was previously a member of the NSW Parliament, a minister in the last Labor government, and deputy leader of the Opposition between 2011 and 2016. Henry Parkes Oration 2008 – The Hon. As former Premier Bob Carr said in a speech at Centennial Park, 1 January, 2001, to mark the centenary of federation: First Aboriginal female lower house MP Linda Burney’s moving maiden speech. Linda Burney, member for Barton, delivers her emotional maiden speech at Parliament House. Linda Burney delivering her historic speech. Burney, 59, is the ALP member for Barton (NSW). Its purpose: to allow parents to take time off from work to look after children in their critical early months of development – critical to the health and development of both birth mothers and children. Linda Burney addresses the House of Representatives on the paid parental leave bill - Thursday, 13 February 2020 Australia's national Paid Parental Leave scheme is a proud Labor legacy. Linda Burney, the first indigenous woman to be elected to the House of Representatives, delivered her maiden speech today.