Steel has a much higher resistance to degradation than wood. In the not so distant future, you may be considering expanding on your steel frame building and one of the great advantages of using steel is that expanding your building structure is very easy to do! First off, steel building frames are easy to adapt later. Steel is one of the most recycled materials in the world, with a global recycling rate of over 90%. Having a steel home offers you protection from many of nature’s great forces such as earthquakes, tornados, and hail storms. For example, President Obama changed the energy efficiency tax credits through a stimulus bill. Steel is an incredible building material, and in recent decades, the residential construction industry has leant towards using steel products over wood more and more. can be easily cleaned, low maintenance and very wallet friendly. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. While it might not be the most conventional method, steel can be an incredible option for those of you wanting to build a house that’s safe and unique. Even after experiencing such a drastic emergency, steel houses can last for decades to come. Do you wonder if there’s a more durable or safer material for wood for your new residential home? The big advantage to building with steel-frame metal buildings is that all of the supplies and maintenance will come from one place. Believe it or not, steel actually allows you more freedom on designing your home than wood does. While it used to be that if you had a problem with your building structure you would be running around in circles trying to have the problem fixed, that is not the case anymore. Structural steel has helped shape the modern world, and a steel-framed house will last longer, be more sustainable, and cost you less in the long-run than wood. When it comes to choosing building frame materials, steel is the green option. If you’ve ever owned a home that’s made out of wood, you know there’s a very real threat of having pests in your home. This means a lot less hassle for you and if any problems or issues do arise with your steel building then you know the direct source to contact to have this fixed. No more having to give in to the limitations of wood construction. Looking forward, steel frame buildings have to become the first choice as a building material. Here, we take a look at the advantages of using steel frame buildings over wood. Thanks for sharing! 7 Beautiful and Unique Features in Old Houses Worth Preserving. When choosing the materials that you are going to use for a new building construction, should you go for steel or wood? Before buying steel, check with your supplier what guarantee and warranty they can offer you. Be sure to browse our website for more articles relating to steel homes, as well as many other helpful topics. I like your blog that you brief about the steel. Welcome to - a travel and lifestyle site for busy parents. Whether you realize it or not, the earth around your home is constantly moving. Global warming and the environment is becoming more prevalent with each passing year and something that we cannot ignore. The foundation will also cost less, as structural steel can hold more weight with less necessary quantities. Are you looking to build a new house on your property? What’s more, steel is a widely. Steel fabricators can shape steel to meet the requirements of even the most complex architectural projects. That also means that any time that you have to renovate a part of your home, you’re throwing away wood rather than recycling it. What’s more, steel is a widely recycled product and so reduces wastage, making it the perfect choice for those who are trying to be a little more conscious about their effect on the environment. Thats’s really great and helpful for all of us. This means a lot less hassle for you and if any problems or issues do arise with your steel building then you know the direct source to contact to have this fixed. Global warming and the environment is becoming more prevalent with each passing year and something that we cannot ignore. Now that you’ve seen all the different advantages of steel instead of wood for your home, it’s time to start looking through different design ideas for your metal home. Prolonged building value: Wood structures can be more or less expensive, depending on the price of lumber. There are just so many advantages to using a steel building over Wood Construction. Being green is just one of them. Wood, on the other hand, is not recyclable if it’s been finished in any way. Steel is one of the most durable metals and for this reason, suppliers are willing to offer very long warranties on their product. Hey, I really liked your idea of choosing steel frame buildings over wood. However, steel beams can create amazing frames with arches and even domes if you see fit. My sister and her husband are getting ready to build a new home to accommodate their growing family, and I think they would love to consider using steel in the construction of their new home. Lastly, steel is more durable than wood. Thanks for your nice post .really this article is very helpful for us Please keep it your writing . Most modern designers and architects favour steel for its aesthetic appeal and versatility when it comes to creative freedom. With steel structures, it is important to look at appraised value over the next 20 years rather than just upfront cost Of course, when building a home, keeping costs down where possible is of utmost concern for all. Looking forward, steel frame buildings have to become the first choice as a building material.