Adjectives + Prepositions - English (Multiple Select) Share on Facebook. It’s an adjective that’s not definite. The most common type of adjective is the descriptive adjective. I hate him. Variations are possible for very close relationships e.g. (Not all of these adjective and preposition combinations are on the grammar page.) Posted by Stoplearn Team; Categories ENGLISH JSSCE; A preposition is a word which precedes a noun (or a pronoun) to show the noun’s (or the pronoun’s) relationship to another word in the sentence. PDF Printables. Prepositional phrases are like idioms and are best learned through listening to and reading as much as possible. He holds a Master of Arts in international political economy and development from Fordham University. Like. Remember: it’s an adjective if it comes with the noun; it’s a pronoun if it replaces the noun. He started writing professionally in 2006. Adjective of Colour: These are the adjectives that tell about the shade and hue of a noun. Learn to recognize a prepositional phrase when you read one. More. The demonstrative adjectives are: this, that, those, and what. Faithful – Adj of Quality, Brown – Adj of colour. Identify and name the types of Adjective in the following sentences. Betty and Amy are friends. A preposition is a word that has little meaning on its own, but describes the relationship between other elements in a sentence. Ask yourself “Which one?” If the prepositional phrase answers the question, it’s an adjective phrase. They can be colours, sizes, or other describing words. Pastel, Red, Blue, Metallic, Colourless, Examples: A red shirt, A colourless  liquid. Letters to Editors of newspapers and magazines. Kiran Gaunle is a freelancer based in New York. Yours sincerely is always acceptable, followed by your name. Structure: conjunction and preposition; Reading Comprehension: ‘The More You Look’ (NOSEC Book 3, pages 8 – 10); Structure: Prepositions (NOSEC, page …, Formal Letters Formal letters cover various types of official letters, such as: Application letters. The style should be appropriate for semi-formal letters. Prepositions of time used to indicate a particular time (at, by, in, on, etc), Prepositions of time used to indicate a particular time in relation to another (after, before, etc), Prepositions of Place:at my housein New York, in my handon the tablenear the libraryacross the streetunder the bedbetween the books, Prepositions of place tell us the position of something (across, in, inside, on, outside, etc). He has written research reports for the UN Development Programme and the "Kathmandu Post." It is not true to say that a preposition always precedes a noun or a pronoun, but it does most of the time.) Adjective of Shape: These adjectives tell about the shape or appearance of the noun. A preposition can also be a two-word or three-word combination. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Switch template Interactives Show all. In the example, “at the Vietnamese restaurant” modifies the noun “noodles.” Therefore, the prepositional phrase in the sentence acts as an adjective.