UN number: UN1090. 418 0 obj <>stream Stable. irritation. Fisher Scientific The absorption of UV light by acetone, results in its photolysis and the production of radials . Acetone′s luminesence intensity is dependent upon the solution components . h�bbd```b``� �3@$S�d� "O�e���a`M��Y0����`� `v��"�l��� W�d�,Z $WN�[����L��|`�00�L�g`��` ��Y Emergency Number: 201-796-7100 26 0 obj <> endobj ��9]�g-���7���օ�w\��:w��Z��;����®�B����ʥ�7��ūc��L���=�x�a��Tɼ=��dM�HU:W{A���|�������4�4���������� ��}��o3F6���}ʳ�Z��UIϲ�aPT��xSF9`����/|��Xإ������$��y�Jt����է��0ץB�>�a�w�/��R��l_��-��@��D�lR�BǛ��k���s��֜�@ʚ�1���,�Sׂ WxM�C��e����uõ���+��*��V��c��^m�Ue�UR^���Ht9{��'Bk#�D�GWzS�8S�R��# u^ɨz%lϮ�m�I��8(�q��E�q�߁����K���j�~����pSV��L�$Ro�4���du`��ш^�-�=�F�gA� ���~�.��������S=�+��7ك*Nv}�luDm.�������%�=�:sk����. tearing, inflammation, and possible corneal injury. Acetone SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING 1.1. Page 2 of 7 MSDS ± Acetone ----- Inhalation: Inhalation of vapors irritates the respiratory tract. Product identifier Product name Acetone Product No. 0000003020 00000 n P210 – Keep away from ignition sources – No smoking. Barr Customer Service (800)398-3892 (901)775-0100 Phone Number: Intended Use: Paint, stain, and varnish thinning. May cause motor Catalog Numbers: hޤUmo�0�+�q���8�� ACETBUL Internal Id 0718 REACH Registration number 01-2119471330-xxxx CAS-No.   Acetone Flinn Scientific, Inc. P.O. 0000000716 00000 n Product Name: ACETONE LS0013. ��hx�X�JY���*�2#��y�t�1TJ�J�FR�t�huDE\�����k��:����J���q6s�k�D�ݬ��v��^��z�&�Kx�eZL��Э__�Y�/��\Fy�Lš"��r�Q"�hA�qh�����W�y��iܙ7�Z�2�u�HD��Sݬ���Kl�����3Y��Q0lH��4���]q� �A���u �� 0000001038 00000 n A18SS-19, A18SS-200, A18SS-28, A18SS-50, A19-1, A19-4, A19RS-115, A19RS-200, Barr Customer Service (800)398-3892 (901)775-0100 �����Ö��F��@���q��ACF=�����l!9N5,�)~������:��3Aؔy����*��u����0����䍋�aH��g�ږ��Ge��aA6�[���X�=+n �j��'as,��d �\xh�����OŽ�D�d!n����� �6e�tb��"!�B�RE��{��^@ ��^&���\���8;�����Ohɼy�,�@6ܔ����!11��jH�d�nq�JH��9��'\�bkRu��V4�G�������%ŀ ������ Use only in a hood or well-ventilated area (P271). Causes eye irritation. Ȣ�nd�3��������#�|����d4��O>N������Dȸ�3�y��|�Ph��. AC176800250, AC176805000, AC177170000, AC177170050, AC177170100, Prolonged or repeated contact may dry the skin and cause A18FB-50, A18J-500, A18P-4, A18POP-19, A18POP-200, A18POP-50, A18POPB-19, ,8����D a`X�H�0XD���S�TYI��a7��������D�K�2��*Z�� �e`X������%6{iF ~` '�*� P104 Read Safety Data Sheet before use. %PDF-1.4 %���� �@� @����ՐjH벪���!M�q)�o�,"t�3��%���MӜM �Ό:��q2� Jڂޢ�����R���b�!���K��aP�6ᕇ0V$ ��O�ʳ�\���� ;y������7�D����f�6)uѿtT�5cp�Z��c{w��\%���M3�� 0000001217 00000 n Please review all federal, state and local regulations that may apply before proceeding. Advanced stages may Acute effects: Eye and respiratory tract irritant, dizziness, CNS depression.   nervous system depression, characterized by excitement, followed by 0000001964 00000 n x�b```"�>���1�F�mS��L���ϱڀ������D�%q�GLb�'�2���� Box 219, Batavia, IL 60510 (800) 452-1261 Chemtrec Emergency Phone Number: (800) 424-9344 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations 04/23/2019 EN (English US) 2/10 P264 - Wash exposed skin thoroughly after handling. Klean-Strip Acetone SAFETY DATA SHEET Supersedes Revision: 04/15/2015 Product Name: Klean-Strip Acetone Company Name: W. M. Barr 2105 Channel Avenue Memphis, TN 38113 Emergency Contact: 3E 24 Hour Emergency Contact (800)451-8346 Information: W.M. endstream endobj startxref %PDF-1.5 0000003096 00000 n 0000007195 00000 n May cause coughing, dizziness, dullness, and headache. 8R>�}O���*���������[��v���]���.稶�]tyl. Hazardous decomposition products … 0000011726 00000 n SECTION 3 — COMPOSITION, INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS. Call a POISON CENTER or physician if you feel unwell (P312). A18RS-115, A18RS-200, A18RS-28, A18RS-50, A18S-4, A18SK-4, A18SS-115, Sweet pungent odor like nail polish remover. Acetone Revision Date 01/29/2020 Version 1.3 Print Date 01/29/2020 110000000902 Page 8 of 10 SAFETY DATA SHEET Empty containers. <> Precautionary Statement(s): Prevention: P102 Keep out of reach of children. 77, No. 1 0 obj p������F��\�N�V�V�J����H��32�#I����zC|.t�K�*dS��](n�mU�гW�R��S����>R��_ |� �d�>��Ɔ� ν�?���D�ł����r�]�06��e�o�M.J�]U�2C���ł����]r&������%c3dv����� �C� Higher concentrations can produce central nervous system depressi on, narcosis, and unconsciousness. incoordination and speech abnormalities. Causes respiratory tract Synonyms: Can enter lungs and cause 2 0 obj SECTION 1 — CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION. 1 Reagent Lane >�=�b��}�88}��q@ n �����%( � � AC326700010, AC326700025, AC326740000, AC326740010, AC326740025, 69 0 obj <>stream %PDF-1.6 %���� Packaging 1, 6×1, 2, 4×2, 4, 4×4 L in glass bottle 18 L in Pure-Pac™ 1 20, 50 L in Pure-Pac™ 2 56, 200 L in Pure-Pac™ 1 Conditions to avoid Avoid naked flames, red-hot surfaces and other high temperature sources that may induce thermal decomposition. A949RS-28, A949RS-50, A949SK-1, A949SK-4, A949SK4LC, A949SS-115, A949SS-19, Breathing vapors 40010-0025, 42324-0010, 42324-0040, 42324-5000, A11-1, A11-20, A11-200,   A929SS-50, A929SS28, A946-4, A9464LC, A946FB19, A946FB200, A946FB50, 500 ppm acetone and found hematologic changes including BP2403-500, BP2404-1, BP2404-4, BP2404SK-1, BP2404SK-4, HC3001GAL, Chronic:   ��KV;��P;)�>Ή���7�r��Ľi�ד� t^;�hP٬��=i$J3`aH