equipment are stipulated. The test is useful in applications where paints and coatings require premium quality finishes that might be prone to high levels of UV degradation. Standard Practice for Fluorescent UV-Condensation Exposures of Paint and Related Coatings.This practice covers the selection of test conditions for accelerated exposure testing of coatings and related products in fluorescent UV and condensation devices conducted according to Practices G151 and G154. Procedures for Laboratory Accelerated Exposure of Automotive Materials.These procedures are used to determine the resistance to degradation of automotive materials when subjected to artificial light sources. Fluorescent UV Radiation and Water Condensation. Standard Practice for Cyclic Salt Fog/UV Exposure of Painted Metal, (Alternating Exposures in a Fog/Dry Cabinet and a UV/Condensation Cabinet).This practice covers basic principles and operating practice for cyclic corrosion/UV exposure of paints on metal; using alternating periods of exposure in two different cabinets: a cycling salt fog/dry cabinet, and a fluorescent UV/condensation cabinet. This is a simulation of the natural conditions using extreme weathering condition to speed up the weathering process and evaluate the impacts on the materials. Many accelerated aging techniques used for th… This testing technique is applied to measure future degradation or corrosion of materials. Calculation of accelerated aging according to ASTM F 1980 Here you are able to calculate how long they have to perform at elevated temperature a storage tests to reflect the reality as closely as possible in the laboratory . Standard Guide for Testing Coating Powders and Powder Coatings.This guide covers the selection and use of procedures for testing coating powders and powder coatings. Standard Test Method for Low-Temperature Flexibility of Latex Sealants After Artificial Weathering.This test method covers a laboratory procedure for the determination of low-temperature flexibility of latex sealants after 500 h artificial weathering. Below are the various Accelerated Aging services Micom offers: 1. An aging study is a procedure that seeks the determination of the behavior of a device under normal-usage conditions over a relatively long time by exposing the material for a short period of time to an external stress, which is more severe or more frequently applied than normal environmental stresses. This test measures the effect of ultraviolet light on the mechanical properties of a product. Accelerated aging testing is based on a thermodynamic temperature coefficient formulated by J.H. It describes exposures to sunshine carbon arc, xenon arc, fluorescent ultraviolet light and condensation apparatus, and a twin carbon arc. Carbon Arc testing measures a product’s ability to resist deterioration of electrical, mechanical and optical properties when exposed to light and heat. Accelerated aging may be regarded as sufficient evidence for the claimed shelf life on the introduction of new products. Standard Specification for Polypropylene Injection and Extrusion Materials.This specification covers polypropylene materials suitable for injection molding and extrusion. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! a Fluorescent UV and Condensation Apparatus, Canada East 18 Basaltic Road Concord, ON L4K 1G6, Canada West 8321 Coronet Rd, Edmonton AB T6E 4N7, US Shipping 4392 Broadway, Depew, NY 14043, USA, 905-738-0447 (Concord, ON) 416-939-0429 (Edmonton, AB), 18 Basaltic Road, Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property—Staining of Surfaces (Contact, Migration, and Diffusion).These test methods cover techniques to evaluate three types of staining that rubber may cause when in contact with, or in proximity to, another surface that may be light colored. Stability testing using accelerated aging protocols shall be regarded as sufficient evidence for claimed expiry date until data from real time aging studies are available.” 4.3 Real time aging programs provide the best data to ensure that sterile barrier system materials and sterile barrier system integrity do not degrade over time. Practice for Exposing Nonmetallic Materials in Accelerated Test Devices That Use Laboratory Light Sources.This practice provides general procedures to be used when exposing nonmetallic materials in accelerated test devices that use laboratory light sources. Part 3: Fluorescent UV Lamps. Thermal Shock Testing 5. Standard Guide for Testing Industrial Protective Coatings.This guide covers the selection and use of test methods and procedures for testing industrial protective coatings. It is used to estimate the useful lifespan of a product or its shelf lifewhen actual lifespan data is unavailable. Standard Test Method for Evaluating Durability of Building Construction Sealants by Laboratory Accelerated Weathering Procedures.This test method covers the method for the determination of the durability of a sealant based on its ability to function in cyclic movement maintaining adhesion and cohesion after repeated exposure to laboratory accelerated weathering procedures. The test methods included are listed in Table 1. Standard Practice for Accelerated Testing for Color Stability of Plastics Exposed to Indoor Office Environments.This practice covers the basic principles and operating procedures for using fluorescent light to determine color stability of plastics when materials are exposed in typical office environments where fluorescent overhead lighting and window-filtered daylight are used for illumination and where temperature and humidity conditions are in accordance with American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recommendations for workers’ comfort. Practice for Conducting Tests on Sealants Using Artificial Weathering Apparatus.This practice covers three types of laboratory weathering exposure procedures for evaluating the effect of actinic radiation, heat, and moisture on sealants. to speed up the normal aging processes of items. Acceler… Accelerated aging is testing that uses aggravated conditions of heat, humidity, oxygen, sunlight, vibration, etc. Standard Practice for Evaluating the Relative Lightfastness and Weatherability of Printed Matter.This standard describes procedures for the determination of the relative lightfastness and weatherability of printed matter under the following conditions, which involve exposure to natural daylight or accelerated procedures in the laboratory.