Yeah, I figured that if you didn't have them you'd leave the fields blank but that's a good idea. Could use conditional formatting to highlight the highest value too. Thanks, my first time writing a macro with Google Sheets. (Not that you have to fill in all the sync hero bonuses, but... for completionists, or almost-have-Ezio-ists.). man, this document is brilliant. Assassin's Creed Rebellion … Press J to jump to the feed. Enter your hero stats on sheet 2 and sheet 1 should update instantly. This is awesome. Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? For more information, head over to to learn more! Enumeración AcSpreadSheetType (Access) AcSpreadSheetType enumeration (Access) 06/08/2019; Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos; En este artículo. I've updated the sheet to use only formulas - no need to mess about with scripts at all. FREERUNNER FRENZY:, A WAR IN THE SHADOWS:, DPS ALL STARS:, THE ART OF THE HEIST:, FOR DEMOCRACY: Vea Soporte técnico y comentarios sobre VBA para Office para obtener ayuda sobre las formas en las que puede recibir soporte técnico y enviar comentarios.Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and provide feedback. Hey are you still making these spreadsheets? It's a bit of a mess and I'm sure there's a better / quicker way to do it but it does the job. Thanks for the silver, anonymous benefactor. Se usa con el método TransferSpreadsheet para especificar el tipo de hoja de cálculo desde el que realizar la importación, a la que realizar la exportación o a la que vincularse. Formato XML de Microsoft Excel 2010/2013/2016 (.xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb), Microsoft Excel 2010/2013/2016 XML format (.xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb). Table of Contents ... AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM; 1. Just make sure the rarity of each hero is entered correctly and it should work out the bonus (unless they've changed it while I've not been playing). Se usa con el método TransferSpreadsheet para especificar el tipo de hoja de cálculo desde el que realizar la importación, a la que realizar la exportación o a la que vincularse.Used with the TransferSpreadsheet method to specify the type of spreadsheet to import from, export to, or link to. here is me normally trying to get as far as possible, yet running mission 2 is much more valuable. I thought there was a better way of doing this and there is. One thing I did on my copy is I added a column after the "Run from...?" AC Rebellion. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the ACRebellion community. Forge your Brotherhood, Spark the rebellion! Assassin's Creed Rebellion is available since November 20 2018 for iOS and Android. I haven't really been playing recently but The Art of the Heist sheet should be easy enough to alter for future events. Unfortunately, to get it working on android I had to use a script with a 30 second limit so if it stops you can just start it again from where it left off. ¿Tiene preguntas o comentarios sobre VBA para Office o esta documentación?Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Need more potions though... Nice work, though it confirmed my original strategy of just going for the last mission and repeat :). Assassin's Creed® Rebellion is a free-to-play strategy RPG game where you can engage with your favorite Assassins as you build your own Brotherhood and lead the fight against the Templars. If you would like to help continue to develop this spreadsheet, or find more great content on the game; join us at I've made a spreadsheet that will work out which heroes you should use for each mission in the upcoming event and also your total reward per token cost (so you can easily tell which will be the most profitable for you). that was labeled "Best," and I threw in a formula down that column that was: This way instead of trying to read through all the numbers it just has the word "Best" next to the one that has the highest "Total Reward per Token.". I've modified the spreadsheet for the two future events that have leaked too, so you can start to get your assassins ready. Not sure if I am have missed a post with the newer ones? That's a good idea. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,,,,, I updated the validation to accept 0 as a rank so that if you don't have a character yet, it doesn't pitch a fit. Forge your Brotherhood, Spark the rebellion! Might add that when I edit it for the next event. ¿Tiene preguntas o comentarios sobre VBA para Office o esta documentación? Enter your heroes stats in the yellow cells on Sheet 2Select "Run" from the red cells on Sheet 1 (top one first and then further down if it stops working)Watch it fill in the information for you, Assassin's Creed® Rebellion is a free-to-play strategy RPG game where you can engage with your favorite Assassins as you build your own Brotherhood and lead the fight against the Templars. This spreadsheet was created by the AC Rebellion Discord Community. Soporte técnico y comentarios sobre VBA para Office.