English Exercises > articles exercises. Oefenen met bepaalde en onbepaalde lidwoorden in het Engels: a, an en the. Online exercises English grammar and courses There are only three articles in English: a, an (indefinite article) and the (definite article). Past perfect a. a b. an c. the d. no article is needed 10. Test a, the or no article - exercise a an - definite and indefinite articles. - Countable nouns with a/an and some - Article The and geography - Article A or AN - Article 'the' / nothing - Article and use of A/An - Using The or not with nouns > … Also, ask native speakers to help you when you don't know whether or not to use the article. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Use a / an to say what a person or thing is. d. no article is needed 9. We use a / an when the listener doesn’t know what thing we mean. Future 1 ESL Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced (click to jump to questions). ... Use the to refer to people or objects that are unique and to (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); There are only three articles in English: a, an (indefinite article) and the (definite article). - when we are talking about a thing in general. Remember that the article is not stressed, so don't listen for its full value! ONLINE ENGLISH GRAMMAR QUIZ topic: ARTICLES: Mixed Articles Exercise #1 (A, An, The, No article) | level: Beginner/Intermediate Choose the correct (and most natural-sounding) response to complete each sentence: 1. Subject Exercises: A / … Definite, indefinite and no article. The shop is on the left. Hand me a pencil, please. Discover a list of the most widely used idiomatic expressions! - before newspapers, organisations, hotels, pubs and restaurants, well known buildings or works of art and families. I love living in this _____ city. We should call the ambulance. a. a b. an c. the d. no article is needed 11. (Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on Articles ). Active and passive voice Phrasal verbs are generally used in spoken English and informal texts. Check out this list of figures of speech! document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Example: a f riend, a b ox. - to show the person / thing is one of a group. Look for a place near your house, and check out ___ exercise instructors and personal trainers. - with Adjectives like rich, poor or unemployed to talk about groups of people. Indefinite article before consonant: a. If clauses - conditionals In addition to learning the rules, you can gain a good working use of the articles through reading and listening. Examples: When does the train arrive? He lives in Rome. American political parties and presidential election, The difference between also, as well, and too. Example: I need a new laptop. We use a or an - only with singular nouns. refer to something that has already been mentioned. We use a / an when the listener doesn’t know what thing we mean. It is the world's leading software suite for perfecting written English. What is the highest building in the world? Example: I watched a movie last night.The movie was thrilling.. Use of a and an. Reported speech. - with countries which contain the words state(s), kingdom, republic or union Examples: the UK, the USA, - with countries which have plural nouns as their names. Example: We also visited St Paul's Cathedral. a - indefinite article. Check out our list of hundreds of phrasal verbs classified in alphabetical order. - but we often use an article when using "the...of". a an - definite and indefinite articles with free online exercises, examples and sentences, questions and a an - definite and indefinite articles negative sentences. - to talk about geographical points on the globe like rivers, oceans, seas, canals, deserts,... - when we talk about musical instruments, plants, animals and currencies. The cold wasn't very bad. Indefinite articles. What are idioms? Example: Do you think the rich should pay more taxes? We use the when it is clear which thing we mean.. They should be educated in physical education or certified by ___ organization such as the American Council on exercise. Oefen Engelse grammatica in het Engels Klaslokaal. > Other English exercises on the same topic: Articles [Change theme] > Similar tests: - A/an - 'The' or nothing? Examples: the Times, the United Nations, the Ritz, the Mona Lisa, the Eiffel Tower, the Simpsons. Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. - with parks, universities, colleges, hospitals, temples, churches, malls, stadiums, public squares, beaches, waterfalls and canyons. - we don't use an article: at night, at noon, every week, every day, every night, last morning, last week, all night, all day, tomorrow, yesterday,... - use the with in the morning, in the afternoon, during the night, the winter, the summer, the day after tomorrow,... - use a /an or the with whole and entire. Going-to-future Use a / an to say what a person or thing is. - use a /an or the with most arches, pains and attacks. Examples: She has got long hair. He lives in Rome. - with most names of towns, streets, stations and airports. Articles Worksheet Download: Articles-Worksheet-Englishcurrent.doc (with answers). Future perfect thing or person you mean. Study English Articles (A, An, The) Online with These Exercises. Simple past tense Use the when you know, which The movie was thrilling. It checks for more than 400 types of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, enhances vocabulary usage, and suggests citations. Articles in English - A, An, The. English Tenses exercises Do you want to provide emphasis, freshness of expression, or clarity to your writing? Definite or Indefinite Article Exercise 1, Definite or Indefinite Article Exercise 2, Definite or Indefinite Article Exercise 3, Definite or Indefinite Article Exercise 4, Definite or Indefinite Article Exercise 5, Definite or Indefinite Article Exercise 6, Definite or Indefinite Article - multiple choice exercise, CONTACT / Privacy Policy / Cookie Policy / SITEMAP, © Copyright 2020 Herwig Rothländer - All Rights Reserved. And how can idioms help you become a fluent speaker? - with a singular noun to say something about all things of that kind. a: one person or one thing. We recommend using Grammarly. - when talking about sports, people's first names, languages, names of shops, religions, meals, days, months and holidays. All rights reserved | This template is made by Colorlib. We use the when it is clear which thing we mean. - don't use an article with cancer, malaria and AIDS. Simple present tense Examples: They have a shop in Oxford Street. - don't use an article if it follows a verb. I love the South. Free tutorial a an - definite and indefinite articles. Present Perfect a university,  a user, a unit He wears black shoes. Examples: My house is in the south of the city. Washington is the capital of the United States. English a an - definite and indefinite articles exercises. an hour (h is not pronounced) English grammar easy to learn. They have a shop in Oxford Street. Instructions: Put the correct article (a, an, the, or nothing) into the paragraphs below.If an article is not needed, then select the blank option. - use the after a preposition and compass directions. Copyright © Example: I watched a movie last night. But: - with individual lakes, islands and mountains. Do the exercise below on articles and click on the button to check your answers. Online exercise with options displayed. Subscribe and get the latest news and useful tips, advice and best offer. I spent the whole day watching TV. (Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on Articles ) Choose the correct article: a, an, the or x (no article) - before the names of countries, cities, towns and villages. Examples: We spent a whole week in Madrid. Examples: He is a friend. - with plural nouns and uncountable nouns when talking about them generally. Examples: I had a cold. - when it is clear which thing or person we mean.