Does Weapons include things like Vial of Acid, Alchemist's Fire, and DMG bombs? A creature moving across the covered area must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. Because you’re in for a chaotic ride. Thanks for reading and sharing! I … This material is published under the OGL: Ball Bearings. Melting iron is beyond standard medieval technology. By any reasonable interpretation that would include almost all the items listed in the phb adventuring gear section, specifically things like caltrops, ball bearings, and hunters traps. A thief's level 3 feature grants the ability to use an object as a bonus action. Jump to: navigation, search. Leave a Reply Cancel … First, ball bearings (emphasis mine): As an action, you can spill these tiny metal balls from their pouch to cover a level, square area that is 10 feet on a side. Personally, I like the idea of using Minor Illusion to cover hunting traps, caltrops, ball bearings or even prepared pit traps. Caltrops; Ball bearings; Acid; Alchemist’s Fire; Antitoxin; Resist (type) damage; Poison; Oil; Ammunition; Prepare Your Bladder For Imminent Release!!! Melted iron was well within the technology well before any time that is commonly considered medieval. Caltrops are the perfect hybrid between a hunting trap and a set of ball bearings. Neither ball bearings nor caltrops state that a creature's speed is physically penalized, just that a creature can choose to move at half speed to avoid their effects. Like Like. Two … I agree this isn’t the best way to play Dungeons and Dragons according to most people – but it is ANOTHER way to have fun with the hobby. 5e SRD:Ball Bearings (bag of 1,000) From D&D Wiki. Like Like. Then we can handle each consideration separately. Caltrops can be spread over an area, much in the same way as ball bearings, but if a creature fails the DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, they not only take 1 point of piercing damage but must also stop moving. Genius addition. Because they're not very good. Easily reusable, they are also small and portable. I love the idea of covering up traps right before someone is about to step on them. They can be useful in a chase, or if you can prepare the ground in combat in advance , and even then it's not great. Ball bearings have become "monk weapons" in the campaign. Gear vs Equipment is not a clear enough naming distinction (Equipment vs Inventory is probably similar, but much less pronounced). "Adventuring Gear" in the PHB includes many usable items (Ball bearings, vials of acid), but it mostly includes mundane equipment such as Backpack and Bedroll. 'Just'? Non-standard use was the monk rolling a ball bearing around to distract a wizard's cat familiar that had been following the party. A creature moving across the … Really, though, the bounded accuracy of 5e makes little tricks like ball bearings, caltrops and hunter's traps still effective for almost any level, which I think is cool. A creature moving through the area at … Easily reusable, they are also small and portable. As an action, you can spill these tiny metal balls from their pouch to cover a level, square area that is 10 feet on a side. At the end of the day, once our shift ends at the Taco Bell, that’s what … Heather J. says: 1 month ago Reply. The largest limiting factor was actually the formation of workable iron stock. Ok, this came up in another thread discussing rogue archetypes, but I thought it an interesting enough tangent to merit it's own discussion.