Although you may be a brilliant marketer, you may be missing something simple when it comes to your email list. Here are some great ideas for A/B testing you can start doing today: Email marketing automation really is all about the subscriber, especially after the implementation of the GDPR. Example: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Omnisend client data shows that those ecommerce businesses which implement this email marketing tactic get about a 45% open rate, 12% click rate and 3% conversion rate. We want to create that works for you business size About the Author: Cameron Chapman is a freelance designer, blogger, and the author of Internet Famous: A Practical Guide to Becoming an Online Celebrity. © 2020 All Rights Reserved. All of this testing has also revealed that the best time/day to send an email shows the greatest variation from one email database to the next. That way, you can offer much more targeted messages to only those recipients that will really benefit from it. But be warned: this isn’t something that you can just digest in one sitting. And the advantages A/B testing provide are enough to offset the additional time it takes. If your historic conversion rate is 10%, then you might want to increase that to 15% to start with. You already know that all of your customers or subscribers are not the same. Split testing varies from simple to complex testing. Sometimes you’re going to write a shitty subject line. Revenue$0 to $3 million$3 to $10 million$10 million to $50 million$50 million to $100 millionAbove $100 million According to a BlueHornet survey, 74.4 % of customers expect a welcome email when they subscribe. This can give you a more concrete result if you’re getting mixed results, or if your results are very close. October 2020 - Virtual Summit for Sales Leaders, June 2020 - Virtual Summit for Sales Leaders. A bit longer interest lifespan would be kitchen remodeling; even longer is rented house or house owner or family composition. That way, you can provide those users with specific offerings. That means you’ll have to use advanced signup tactics in your ecommerce marketing automation strategy. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web, Forbes says he is one of the top 10 marketers, and Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies. #3 Get more info for greater segmentation and automation. But you can go further with smart popups. Email campaigns and newsletters can be a great way to get repeat business, as well as new customers. Part II of our comprehensive guide to email marketing automation covers the 3 most profitable automation combinations you need to be using in order to see some great results. The same goes for emails. That’s why A/B testing is so important for your email marketing automation strategy.